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Imagine Labor Day Without Labor Law
CWA activists in Los Angeles say, "Give us five!" |
That’s a real possibility, unless CWA activists and allies turn up the heat on Democratic senators over the next two weeks. If the Senate doesn’t confirm all five of the President’s nominations to the NLRB before its August recess, there won’t be any way to enforce labor law covering for 80 million workers.
We won’t let this happen. CWA’s goal is to generate tens of thousands of phone calls and letters to Senators and make sure they know that CWA members will hold them accountable.
CWA locals, IUE-CWA, TNG-CWA, NABET-CWA, Jobs with Justice coalitions, Sierra Club, NAACP and other allies have events planned for a National Day of Action on July 2 and leading up to the week of July 8, when the Senate is expected to take up the NLRB nominations.
The focus of all the actions will be worksite events, where members will be able to make calls to their Senators; rallies; and as many face-to-face meetings with senators as possible.
Here are just some of the actions being planned:
RALLIES: CWAers and partners will rally in San Francisco, St. Louis, Mo., Little Rock, Ark., Austin, Dallas, Chicago, South Bend and Indianapolis, Ind., Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, Ohio, in Raleigh with “Moral Mondays,” in Vermont with the Vermont Workers Center, and more. Many of the rallies will be held outside the home offices of senators who are in their districts over the July 4 recess. CWA activists and allies also will deliver hundreds more handwritten letters to their senators, reminding them that “we have always been there for you…now we need your help.”
WORKSITE ACTIONS: Leafleting and phone calls to Democratic senators at worksites nationwide. By calling 1-888-966-9824, members will be prompted to enter their zip codes and will be able to tell their senators: “I’m asking the Senator to confirm all five nominees to the National Labor Relations Board. And if that vote is blocked, I’m asking the Senator to vote to change the rules so that these nominations can get an up or down vote.”
MEETINGS WITH SENATORS: Legislative Political Teams are scheduling meetings with Senators over the July 4 recess.