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House Approves Attack on Workers' Rights, Senate Can Step Up

Despite strong Democratic opposition, the House of Representatives voted 248-169 to approve a blatant attack on workers' rights as part of the Federal Aviation Administration Reauthorization bill. Some 157 Democrats voted against the measure.

CWA President Larry Cohen said that "the FAA Reauthorization Bill contains a cynical attack on organizing rights that should never have even been considered. It is consistent with lobbying by Delta and the leadership of the right wing majority."

The provision provides that a majority of workers has to express interest or support for a union before the representation process can even begin. What is not enshrined in law is that if a majority of workers votes for union representation, those workers get their union.

"This is reprehensible in this or any democracy. Fair minded Senators should reject this bill and return it to the conference. This is not a clerical error; it is a deliberate attack on workplace rights. We are waiting for Senators to stand up for democracy at work!" Cohen said.

CWA activists from the Leg-Pol conference took that message to Capitol Hill this week.

CWA, AFA-CWA and 17 other unions representing nine million workers also joined together to condemn the deal and urge the House and Senate not to gut transportation workers' rights.

CWA President Larry Cohen talks about what's at stake here.

And watch Rep. George Miller (D-CA) stand up on the House floor against this attack on workers' rights.