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Health Care reform declared constitutional by a federal judge, again

Following a similar Michigan ruling in October, a federal judge in Virginia has ruled against a conservative Christian university’s lawsuit against the federal government, claiming that the individual mandate is unconstitutional.

Starting in 2014 the federal government will require that everyone who makes enough money to afford coverage purchase a minimum level health care plan either through their employer or on the new exchanges that will be setup to provide subsidized coverage. This is similar to the requirement that everyone driving a car purchase basic collision insurance.

The individual mandate is an important part of the new reform law because starting in 2014 it will be against the law for insurers to deny covering new customers that have a pre-existing health condition. The individual mandate guarantees that people won’t only buy coverage while their sick, which would drive premiums up and insurers out of business.

Separate but similar health reform lawsuits brought by attorneys general in Florida and Virginia are still pending. -- NPR