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Frontier West Virginia (former Verizon) Bargaining Report #12

                                                                                   Friday, July 19, 2013, 5:00 p.m.


The Union and the Company met today.  The Company made three proposals, two of which were counters to Union proposals on Holidays and creating a Vacation Pool. The other proposal was to establish a Uniform Policy. 

The Union submitted a number of proposals on Health Care and Retirement Benefits. The proposals on Retirement Benefits were to expand the 401K contribution rate and company match, modify the pension plan for a straight rule of 75, make permanent the pension cash out option, and for the pension fund to be fully funded.  The last two proposals were to provide for a minimum $2000 dollar annuity pension and to provide a  cost of living increase for retirees.    The Union also had discussions with the Company on three issues we believe are unfair labor practices.   The Bargaining Committee will send those issues to our attorneys for further review and processing.

The Bargaining Committee is encouraging everyone to attend the rally in Fairmont this weekend from 1 p.m. – 3 p.m. at Palatine Park, Fairmont, WV.  Remember to wear your red and we hope to see you there.