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Frontier Culture Integration Committee

Recently Frontier sent out a notice about the creation of “Culture Integration Committees” and asked both legacy and new Frontier employees to volunteer to be committee members. One of the stated goals of these committees is to “identify cultural gaps in the work environment and recommend strategies and tactics to accelerate the integration of The New Frontier.” While some of the stated goals of this committee are admirable, what is troubling is the fact that Frontier has not contacted or involved union representatives in this process. We find it worrying that Frontier expresses a desire to bring different people together and then turns around and neglects an important group that represents a broad spectrum of their employees’ interests, CWA.

Keeping open communication and transparency in processes such as these is paramount to their success and building trust among employees. Without transparency, and the involvement of all parties with a vested interest, the committees will fail in their stated mission and could instead be used as tools to suppress dissent or enforce conformity.

CWA will continue to monitor the progress of “Culture Change Committee” and welcome any member’s reports or experiences with Frontier’s implementation of these committees or their input.

Source: Frontier Frontline Newsletter, January 2011