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Frontier: Bargaining Reports #62 and #63

CWA – Frontier Contract Negotiations

Bargaining Report # 62

March 24, 2009


The Union Bargaining Committee reconvened on Tuesday, 03/24/09, to be briefed on everything that had transpired off-table since the second, Tentative Agreement (T A) was reached on Friday, 03/13/09, at 2:55 PM and caucus.

Following is a brief synopsis of that chain of events:

During a telephone conversation between the Bargaining Committee Chairs on Monday evening, 03/16/09, it became evident there was a major disagreement involving new, Company “bullets” introduced and T Ad on the preceding Friday.

Over the next four days there were numerous e-mail contacts and telephone conversations between the parties that pertained to the intent, interpretation, and application of the new, Company “bullets” that impact outside technician titles.

As soon as it became evident to the Union there wasn’t going to be an acceptable resolution to the disagreement prior to the membership meetings scheduled for ratification votes, a directive went out on Wednesday, 03/18/09, to cancel them.

On Friday, 03/20/09, during a telephone conversation between the parties, there was a preliminary indication the parties might return to the table this week. It was subsequently determined that Wednesday, 03/25/09, was the first possible day.

The Union Bargaining Committee caucused all day to prepare to return to the bargaining table on Wednesday, 03/25/09, and there was an off-table discussion between the parties in the evening that pertained to the “bullets” of disagreement.

CWA – Frontier Contract Negotiations


Bargaining Report # 63

March 25, 2009

A third, Tentative Agreement (T A) was reached between the parties at 1:20 PM on Wednesday, 03/25/09, but only after there was a resolution to the Union’s satisfaction over new, Company “bullets” proposed and T Ad just 5 days earlier.

The disagreement arose over contractual language that mandates the manner in which the Company’s declared Construction surplus will be administered after the ratification and for the life of the new contract. There were serious ramifications.

Once the Union Bargaining Committee achieved its desired resolution on that matter, it T Ad that MoU, a related and new, “Qualifications Waivers” MoU, and a replacement MoU covering the terms of a new, collective bargaining agreement.

These three, latest T As, in addition to the improvements the Union Bargaining Committee was able to make after returning to the table following the members’ no vote on the first T A reached on 02/09/09, comprise the new T A before you.

The top four issue outcomes the members were dissatisfied with and sent the Union Bargaining Committee back to the bargaining table with were: 1. Article IX changes inc. job security, 2. CSR pay inequities, 3. healthcare, and 4. pension.

All four of these issues were addressed and improved in some manner, either monetarily, mitigating potential hardships created by a Company-declared, force surplus, or the job security concerns stemming from contract language changes.

The Union Bargaining Committee does recommend a yes vote on this latest T A, but realize the final decision, as always, will be decided by the members. Please give serious consideration to your decision and future before you cast your ballot.