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Food Safety Is Less Important Than Showering Rich People With Money

When considering the recent influx of food recalls and the multi-state outbreaks of human e-coli and salmonella, you would think citizens would be able to depend on Congressional action to ensure our basic safety. Unfortunately, due to the politically abused and misused filibuster in the Senate, a single Republican Senator from Oklahoma is preventing Senate approval of the much needed Food Safety bill. Once again, Senate procedural rules are being abused by the Senate Republican minority at the cost of every-day Americans.

S. 510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, would allow federal authorities to take out of the food industry such malevolent characters like Jack DeCoster, the guy responsible for the latest 380 million infected eggs recall. Millions of Americans have gotten sick due to tainted food that they expected to be safe. With this legislation we would finally have the accountability in our markets to ensure this safety, but alas- dysfunction in the Senate yet again kills a common sense, overwhelmingly bipartisan bill.

What can you do? Read through the CWA fact sheets on Senate Filibuster Reform, and call your Senator today to urge Senate rules reform. But, you might want to do it on an empty stomach.

Click here to read the full article published by The American Prospect