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Dear Editor,
As a supervisor and dues-paying CWA member, I was both offended and angered by the insulting cartoon that appeared on page two of the January 2000 CWA News, depicting supervisors as “jerks.” I am a member of the Supervisors bargaining unit of Local 1087 at the Monmouth County Department of Human Services in Freehold, New Jersey . . .
A good union is supposed to represent all employees in all positions without prejudice. Creating prejudice against supervisors with the insensitive cartoon would seem to undermine your goal . . . I feel that a personal apology as well as a printed apology to all supervisors in your next issue is warranted.
Editors Note:
The cartoon was not intended as an indictment of all supervisory personnel in the world, but rather as a lighthearted poke at the kind of upper-level management “suits” who dream up ways to increase workplace stress.
We certainly don’t mean to disparage or offend the good union-represented supervisors in our ranks, or for that matter the many former members who have been promoted out of bargaining units and remain supportive of their union co-workers.
We regret that you and perhaps others were offended, and for that we do apologize.
As a supervisor and dues-paying CWA member, I was both offended and angered by the insulting cartoon that appeared on page two of the January 2000 CWA News, depicting supervisors as “jerks.” I am a member of the Supervisors bargaining unit of Local 1087 at the Monmouth County Department of Human Services in Freehold, New Jersey . . .
A good union is supposed to represent all employees in all positions without prejudice. Creating prejudice against supervisors with the insensitive cartoon would seem to undermine your goal . . . I feel that a personal apology as well as a printed apology to all supervisors in your next issue is warranted.
Editors Note:
The cartoon was not intended as an indictment of all supervisory personnel in the world, but rather as a lighthearted poke at the kind of upper-level management “suits” who dream up ways to increase workplace stress.
We certainly don’t mean to disparage or offend the good union-represented supervisors in our ranks, or for that matter the many former members who have been promoted out of bargaining units and remain supportive of their union co-workers.
We regret that you and perhaps others were offended, and for that we do apologize.