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February 2010 CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Conducted Monday, February 22, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

Amy Lafferty, Vice President, CWA Local 1022
John Maugeri, Secretary- Treasurer, CWA Local 1102
Carol Finley, CWA Local 1103
Bob Perez, Treasurer, and Phil Tobin, CWA Local 1105
Mick Dellavalle, CWA Local 1113
Beth Fronzcak, CWA Local 1118
Carmen Damiano, Vice President, CWA Local 1123
Karen Enright, Vice President, CWA Local 1133
Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168
Bill Henning, Vice President, CWA Local 1180
Henry Plimack, NABET/CWA Local 51016
Micki Siegel de Hernandez, Director, CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Program
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

Participant Reports/New Issues-
Bill Henning, CWA Local 1180,
mentioned New York City has re-introduced an initiative to allow police to review/veto procedures and testing specific to hazardous materials before such activities can proceed. CWA , other unions, and NYCOSH led efforts to defeat this initiative last year. Given police officials are not trained in industrial hygiene procedures, this review process would present many unnecessary delays and problems in addressing workplace health issues. Bill will provide updates regarding this important issue.

Henry Plimack, NABET/CWA Local 51016, asked whether there were any concerns with sharing information/a report developed by Local 51016 and NYCOSH with the employer. In response, as part of the resolution of safety and health issues, participants mentioned except for confidentiality issues, it would be useful to share the information with the employer. In turn, this may lead towards the development of a cooperative joint labor-management approach to resolving the identified problems. David LeGrande asked Henry to provide follow-up information regarding his success.

Mick Dellavalle, CWA Local 1113, reported growing member frustration with Verizon Corporate Real Estate for its failure to resolve a number of safety and health concerns at a represented work location. At this point, the local has only discussed identified issues with Verizon. Lacking an adequate response, participants suggested translating the failure of the Company's response/or lack thereof to the grievance process. Mick said he would let participants know of his success.

Participants asked about the National Labor College ( NLC) sponsored and conducted occupational safety and health training. David LeGrande mentioned these courses are excellent and worthwhile. If local OSH activists are interested in participating, scholarships are available. For more information, activists should contact David or Sharon Simon ( ) at the NLC.

CWA Local 3212 Member Fatality-
David LeGrande
reported the January 13, 2010 fatality of William Britt Hunt (a member of CWA Local 3212 and employee of AT&T ). His death occurred while he was winding telecommunications cable on a cable winch. During this operation, the cable wound around his feet dragging him into the winch. Unfortunately, AT&T had assigned Britt to perform this two-person job alone. At present, with assistance from the Union 's Occupational Safety and Health Department, CWA District 3 (including Local 3212) and OSHA are conducting comprehensive investigations. David thanked District 1 leaders and OSH activists who have provided information regarding outside work policies and procedures. As additional information becomes available, it will be made available to CWA leaders, members, and OSH activists.

CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Retreat-
David LeGrande
led a discussion regarding conducting the district retreat during June, 2010. Micki Siegel de Hernandez indicated she would confirm tentative dates with CWA District 1 Vice President Chris Shelton and get back with David. Then, an agenda will be developed and shared (for input) with District 1 OSH activists.

The Employee Free Choice Act-
David LeGrande
indicated the Employee Free Choice Act is still up for consideration by U.S. Congress during 2010. It is hoped the Act will receive necessary consideration after the completion of health care reform legislation.

Protecting Americas' Workers Act-
David LeGrande
mentioned the Act is expected to receive consideration by legislators during the 2010 congressional session. When this occurs, additional information will be provided.

Regional/State Legislative/Regulatory Issues-
Bill Henning, CWA Local 1180,
mentioned the New York State Workplace Violence Standard has withstood a legal challenge from/by New York City . CWA , other unions, and NYCOSH have been in the forefront helping to develop, support, and establish the standard.

World Trade Center (WTC) Health Activities-
Micki Siegel de Hernandez
reported on the continuing efforts to have U.S. Congress pass legislation providing long-term financial support for medical surveillance and treatment activities for WTC victims. It is anticipated legislation will be passed during 2010. As the legislation progresses, more information will be provided.

CWA Heat Stress Campaign-
David LeGrande
mentioned the Occupational Safety and Health Department will be initiating a national heat stress campaign. These efforts will be targeting telecommunications, public, and other represented work locations where members are exposed to workplace hazards associated with hot outdoor work environments. Over the last several years, two CWA telecommunications members have suffered workplace fatalities and many more represented workers have experienced heat stress health problems. The initiative is intended to further identify member issues, provide education and training materials, and resolve member heat stress health problems through the collective bargaining process. In addition, CWA is working with federal OSHA and NIOSH to ensure represented employers are in compliance with the agencies heat stress guidelines and recommended standard, respectively, and providing safe and healthful working conditions.

Workplace Ergonomics/Occupational Stress- David LeGrande reported CWA District 9 will be addressing the issue of workplace ergonomics, occupational stress, and telecommunications technician health problems in the current collective bargaining negotiations with Verizon-West . Along with Dr. Peter Schnall and Dr. Marnie Dobson, University of California- Irvine and the Center for Social Epidemiology, David will present the findings from the study performed by CWA District 9, Dr. Schnall , Dr. Dobson, and CWA's Safety and Health Department which identified numerous musculoskeletal, workplace stress health problems. It is hoped this presentation will lead towards the development of a joint CWA/Verizon-West cooperative approach targeting the further identification as well as resolution of member job design, ergonomics, and health problems. Given the success of these efforts, the Safety and Health Department anticipates expanding these activities to include member customer service and related occupations.

CWA/USWAlliance- Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande
reported CWA and the USW are continuing our joint work to develop and provide occupational and environmental safety and health education and training to both unions safety and health activists. Funding for these activities will come from a grant submitted to the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). It is anticipated the Agency's response to the grant proposal will be made during March-April, 2010. Upon receipt of grant funds, David will notify CWA leaders and OSH activists throughout the U.S.

Date of the Next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-The next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Monday, May 24, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.