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Letter From President Cohen: Occupational Safety & Health Conference -- Extension of Registration

To:  All Local Presidents

Subject:  CWA Occupational Safety & Health Conference -- Extension of
                 Conference and Hotel Reservations Deadlines

Dear Colleagues:

The 2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference will be held on Saturday, October 3 through Monday, October 5, 2009, at the Holiday Inn On-the-Bay, San Diego, California.

This year's conference will feature a number of important topics for the union's leaders and safety and health activists. We will highlight a number of positive occupational and environmental safety and health changes initiated by the Obama Administration.

The Occupational Safety and Health Conference will focus on the role of CWA occupational safety and health activists, how to use occupational and health issues to help build and strengthen the union, and the importance of occupational safety and health training.  Conference panel sessions and workshops will be conducted on:

  • Our Jobs, Our Econony, Our Health and Safety
  • Ergonomics/Work Organization and Related Physical and Mental/Stress Health Problems
  • Workplace Violence
  • Pandemic Influenza/Flu
  • Developing Leadership Skills through Occupational Safety and Health Training
  • Occupational Safety and Health Committees and Coalition Building
  • Emergency Response/Hazardous Materials and Indoor Air Quality
  • Record Keeping Rules
  • Microwave/Radio Frequency Radiation 

Please register on line at: and send the conference registration fee of $125 to the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Department by Friday, September 11, 2009.

Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel.  Room rates are $159 plus tax per day for single or double accommodations.  Hotel reservations must be made by September 11, 2009.  Reservations may be made by calling 1-800-877-8920. Please mention the code "CWA" when you make your reservations and let the reservations agent know you will be attending the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference.

If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact David LeGrande, the union's Occupational Safety and Health Director, at the above address, by e-mail at, by phone at 202-434-1160, or via the CWA Occupational Safety and Health webpage at


Larry Cohen


c:  Executive Board