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Enrollment for The Affordable Care Act Begins Today!

Today begins the roll out of the biggest new social program in nearly 50 years—the Health Insurance Exchanges established under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The law is a landmark first step toward achieving universal health insurance coverage in the United States.

Most of us in CWA have access to affordable care through our employers, which won’t change. But good things are about to happen for our friends and family members who have been unable to get affordable health coverage because their employer doesn’t offer it, because they have a pre-existing condition, or because it is just too expensive. For example:

  • Insurance companies can’t deny anyone coverage due to pre-existing conditions.
  • They can’t charge women higher rates than men; they can’t charge more due to health status.
  • “Age rating,” the ability to charge more due to a person’s age, is greatly limited.
  • Preventive care must be provided at no cost—no copays, no deductibles.
  • Insurers must spend at least 80 to 85% of every premium dollar on medical care—not administration, overhead, advertising or profits—or else they must rebate the excess back to their customers.
  • Federal subsidies are available through the health exchanges for those whose incomes are less than 400% of the poverty level.
  • In states that adopt the change, Medicaid will be offered to families and individuals whose incomes are less than 133% of the poverty level.

We encourage our members to encourage their friends and families to take advantage of the new health care exchanges. It is the beginning of health care for all, and they have a lot to gain.

For information about health insurance exchanges in your area, go to