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Dover, NH Call Center AT&T Bargaining Update

We met yesterday, Tuesday, February 26th as well as today Wednesday for bargaining.

CWA has a number of open data requests (a data request is an information request on policy, practice or cost associated with benefits, center workings and break downs of employee status, etc.).  We worked hard to get responses to the data requests as this information is the major foundation for all our bargaining over economic issues.  The bargaining team reviewed the data and we are in the process of assessing it.


We passed a number of demands across the table.


We have not scheduled the next bargaining session yet as we have legwork to do before the next session is scheduled.  Once the date is scheduled for the next meeting we will post it on this site.


In the meantime, ask your stewards about the steward’s army.  Everyone’s efforts are needed to achieve the contract you deserve!  Support your bargaining team.