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Dover Bargaining Report #4

We met today, May 7, 2008, with the Company in formal session.  The Company passed a number of proposals and rejected a number of our proposals.  Since almost everything was in the Company's court, we were not prepared to respond to the Company's proposals or rejections.  We will be prepared for the next round.

We did clarify a number of issues today; and we have a number of open questions on the table, specifically around recall rights for the surplus workers.  As soon as we receive the response, we will post that information.

We have been able to clarify that the Health Care benefits for the surplus workers will run through the end of the month.  At that time COBRA will be available to the surplus workers if they can afford it.

We have also been notified by the Company that, as of next week, all remaining workers will be returned to a 40-hour work week.  Based on what the Company stated, this was a benefit issue.  We have been hitting the Company very hard on this issue as well, so I think all things considered they made the decision based on the leverage being applied.

We are in recess until June 3, 2008, at which time we will return to formal bargaining.  During the time between the sessions, we will be doing considerable leg work trying to be fully prepared to complete the contract in total, if at all possible, during the next session.

Stay strong.  Move to plan ratchet.