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CWA District 9 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call


Steve Strahan, CWA Local 9400
Chris Bingham, Vice President, CWA Local 9408
Bob Schwager, President, CWA Local 9417
Mike Bell, Executive Vice President, CWA Local 9421
Norm Klaus, CWA Local 9423
Rick Delao, President, CWA Local 9431
Jim Abernethy, CWA Local 9503
Jerry Zavala, CWA Local 9586
Keith Hilse, Vice President, CWA Local 9590
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director


Topics for Safety and Health Conference Calls-
David LeGrande asked conference call participants to provide ideas re. issues of particular concern to them/CWA-represented workers that do not often receive attention during the quarterly district conference calls. Suggesting this was an area we needed to continuously assess and evaluate to make the calls productive and useful for OSH activists who come from a variety of bargaining units and related occupations, he identified this exercise as extremely important.

Several participants agreed and identified issues of concern. For example, Chris Bingham, CWA Local 9408, raised the issue of contractors’ violating occupational safety and health standards and the primary employer’s (i.e., AT&T or Verizon) apparent lack of concern for such behavior. Chris cited a specific example in which contracted employees’ potentially caused a public emergency by overloading the 911 system in Clovis, California. This occurred during the work performed in rehabilitating a utility pole terminal. Given the potential ramifications of this and subsequent incidents, participants noted this incident should be raised during the next CWA District 9/ AT&T Joint Occupational Safety and Health Committee meeting.

Also, Chris suggested the employer should hold contractors to the same efficiency and occupational safety and health standards as it does with bargaining unit employees. Further, when possible, he encouraged safety and health activists to monitor contractor employees’ adherence to applicable safety and health standards. In cases where safety and health issues/problems are identified, activists should make a record of the incident, report it to the company, and consider contacting Cal OSHA or other government agencies, e.g., municipal government offices, fire departments, etc. 
Mike Bell, CWA Local 9421, reported on a concern involving AT&T’s requirement   technicians who are working late at night close out the work ticket. In particular, he wondered what protections would be provided by the Company if affected technicians had something happen to them while returning to the garage. David LeGrande asked if other participants knew of any occurrences of this happening- none of the participants indicated this had happened within their local’s geographic jurisdiction. In turn, David suggested discussing this matter with the appropriate CWA Staff as well as Val Afanasiev.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande discussed the specifics of the Employee Free Choice Act and how they impact upon worker safety and health issues. Pointing out that unorganized workers have no input into workplace safety and health issues, with passage of the Employee Free Choice Act and the subsequent increased organizing of unions, workers would then have an opportunity to participate in/help establish workplace democracy including the negotiation of workplace safety and health committees and related activities. Participants commented upon the importance of the Employee Free Choice Act and workers’ safety and health rights. Also, David LeGrande asked participating OSH activists to send/provide him with their examples of the many safety and health advances achieved through the collective bargaining process.

Occupational/Environmental Safety and Health and the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande noted examples of how the election of President Barack Obama has already made a difference in moving the occupational/environmental safety and health agenda. Noting the promotion and support of the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act by Secretary of Homeland Security Agency, Janet Napalitano and members of the Administration’s transition team will result in the translation and introduction and likely passage of this important piece of occupational/environmental legislation. Of interest, the bill, framed to meet the needs of affected workers employed by chemical manufacturers and users, will be a welcome replacement of the present law which merely places voluntary requirements upon such employers.

Also, David discussed the introduction and likely passage of the legislation that would ban the manufacture and use of asbestos and asbestos products in the U.S. Although this legislation was passed in both the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives during the 2008 session of Congress, it was not finalized in the Senate-House of Representatives conference committee process. However, this process should occur in 2009 with President Obama signing the bill into law. (President Bush had threatened to veto this legislation).

Another extremely important issue involves the nomination of Congresswoman Hilda Soleis (D-CA) as Secretary of Labor. Ms. Soleis has a proven track record standing up for and supporting workers’ rights including workplace safety and health. Upon her confirmation (after Republican legislators finally allow her confirmation vote to take place), we should expect to see the Secretary nominate a strong worker and safety and health advocate as the Assistant Secretary of Labor- OSHA.

Finally, David mentioned President Obama’s nomination and subsequent Congressional confirmation of Ms. Lisa Jackson as Secretary of the Environmental Protection Agency. Ms Jackson has a proven track record advocating and working for improved environmental protections and standards.

Other National/Regional Legislative/Regulatory Occupational/Environmental Safety and Health Issues-
As noted above, David LeGrande discussed a number of important pieces of legislation and nominations by the Obama Administration.

CWA District 9- AT&T Joint Committee on Occupational Safety and Health-
Rick Delao, CWA Local 9431, reported upon a number of current activities such as electrical hazards and workplace violence. He indicated the next joint committee meeting is scheduled for February 19 and would let participants know of upcoming meetings. In turn, he asked participants to let him know of issues for discussion. Rick reminded participants of the advisory nature of the joint committee, encouraging the use of other contractual procedures, i.e., the grievance process, in bringing and resolving occupational safety and health issues with AT&T.

Workplace Violence-
David LeGrande opened the discussion re. the recent workplace violence agreement negotiated by CWA Local 9415 (in coordination with District 9 Headquarters) and AT&T. This agreement provides for a:

• Development and provision of education/ awareness training
• Prohibition on night work
• Provision of a second (“buddy”) technician
• No suspensions for refusal to perform work and
• Bi-monthly reviews/evaluations of the outlined process.

David noted this is the first written agreement on workplace violence negotiated between CWA and a telecommunications employer and advocated OSH activists, in coordination with their Local union officers, bring this issue before the company/their employer for the purposes of similar negotiation and agreement.

Bob Schwager, CWA Local 9417, reported he successfully negotiated a similar workplace violence agreement with AT&T.

2009 CWA National Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
David LeGrande reported the Unions’ 2009 Occupational Safety and Health Conference is scheduled for September 12-14 at the San Diego Holiday Inn on-the-Bay. Conference registration information will be sent to all CWA Local presidents in the near future. Several participants indicated they planned to attend and spread the word to other locals/OSH activists.

Date of Next CWA District 9 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next District 9 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Tuesday, April 21, 2009 from 12:00- 2:00 p.m. (PST).