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CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call


Marshall Whitaker, CWA Local 4032
Peggy Griffith, CWA Local 4302
Bill Preacher, CWA Local 4322
Chris Stapelfeldt, CWA Local 4603
Bryon Capper, CWA Representative
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director


Topics for Conference Calls-
David LeGrande asked participants if there were safety and health issues that were not being adequately addressed or introduced during the conference calls. Several participants suggested the additional attention should target safety and health and design concerns linked to occupational/job stress.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande noted the Employee Free Choice Act has been introduced in both the U.S. House of Representatives (H.R. 1409) and Senate (S. 560). To date (3/19), there are 223 co-sponsors in the House and 40 co-sponsors in the Senate. The importance of the bill’s passage both to the labor movement (go to and for more information) and occupational safety and health is significant. Re. occupational safety and health, it was emphasized the Act would allow unorganized workers the opportunity to organize unions and negotiate protective safety and health collective bargaining provisions. In turn, as CWA and the labor movement are successful in organizing additional workers into the ranks of labor, the increased numbers of union-represented workers would increase labor’s overall ability to negotiate comprehensive occupational safety and health contractual language with represented employers. 

Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande mentioned the Obama Administration has taken a number of actions which support occupational and environmental safety and health. For example, the nomination and confirmation of Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA) for/as Secretary of Labor is a clear step towards the return of occupational safety and health and similar  issues crucial to workers, i.e., targeting the identification and prevention of workplace safety and health hazards. Under the direction of Secretary Solis, workers can be assured an aggressive Assistant Secretary of Labor-OSHA will be nominated. However, it is unlikely the eventual nominee will be confirmed by Congress before Summer, 2009.

In addition, Ms. Lisa Jackson, formerly head of New Jersey’s Department of Environmental Quality, has been nominated and confirmed as the EPA Administrator. Already, Ms. Jackson has voiced strong support of a key CWA initiative, Good Jobs/Green Jobs.

Similar appointments are anticipated within other federal agencies.

Finally, occupational and environmental safety and health has been identified as a significant component in Vice President Biden’s initiative on middle class values and jobs. 

Regional Regulatory/Legislative Issues-
Participants discussed the recent introduction of the Michigan workplace ergonomics standard. David LeGrande mentioned CWA and the rest of the labor movement as well as the public health community is strongly supporting the establishment/promulgation of the standard. As anticipated, opposition to the standard is being led by the Chamber of Commerce, the National Federation of Independent Business, and the National Association of Manufacturers. The deciding factor in establishing the standard appears to rest on the shoulders of Governor Granholm (D-MI) who has been a strong advocate for the promulgation of the standard.  

Blue/Green Alliance-
David LeGrande reported on the Union’s activity within the Blue/Green Labor-Environmental Alliance. In coordination with the United Steelworkers, CWA has joined the coalition with the idea of helping to create good (sustainable union) jobs, green jobs, and safe jobs. Targeting primarily manufacturing workers and operations, the Blue/Green Alliance includes environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club, the National Resources Defense Council, OMB Watch, and Greenpeace, with involvement from other labor unions like the Laborers, Teamsters, and Service Employees International Union (SEIU), and resource organizations like the Work Environment Council.

Workplace Violence-
Noting the recent workplace violence cases reported in Detroit, Michigan, David LeGrande asked participants whether any of their members had reported recent cases of workplace violence. Chris Stapelfeldt, CWA Local 4603, reported a recent assault case involving a member/AT&T technician. Fortunately, the member was not injured.

CWA/USW Cooperative Work-
David LeGrande mentioned efforts by the CWA and USW Safety and Health Departments to develop and conduct cooperative/joint training and education programs and activities. Several participants responded enthusiastically to such work. David said he would provide updated information as this work progresses. 

Participant Reports/New Issues-
Peggy Griffith, CWA Local 4302, mentioned AT&T has been using cheaper, poor-fitting batteries in 188A voltage testing equipment. While indicating she is working with AT&T to resolve this situation, Peggy suggested local leaders and safety and health activists bring this issue to the employer’s attention.

Also, Peggy reported an incident in which mouse feces had been identified in an AT&T vehicle. She noted member health problems that developed from exposure to the feces. After initially refusing Peggy’s request to either de-contaminate or junk the vehicle, AT&T finally agreed to discontinue using the vehicle. 

Gary Kundrat, CWA Local 4340, reported several incidents in which members/technicians had slipped on ice injuring themselves. After AT&T threatened disciplinary action, at the Union’s request the Company provided technicians with protective shoe grips (thus, resolving the issue).

Bill Preacher, CWA Local 4322, reported the fatality of a CWA Local 4323 member/AT&T technician during February, 2009. After working excessively long hours beyond the normal shift, the technician suffered a motor vehicle accident resulting in his death. Several participants reported AT&T had been working technicians excessively long hours throughout Ohio. As a result, this issue is being pursued with AT&T by District 4 Headquarters and Locals. Upon completion of this activity, affected participants indicated they would report their success.

Bryon Capper indicated during an organizing campaign with employees at Media Communications, Moline, Illinois, workers reported health problems associated with carpet cleaning chemicals. Following this incident, an OSHA complaint has been filed. David LeGrande offered assistance to resolve this case.
2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
Due to a schedule conflict with the 2009 AFL-CIO Convention, David LeGrande indicated the dates of the Union’s 2009 Occupational Safety and Health Conference have been moved from September 12-14 to October 3-5. The Conference will be conducted at the San Diego Holiday Inn on-the-Bay. In the coming weeks, registration information will be mailed to all local presidents and posted on the OSH webpage. 

Date of the Next CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be conducted on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 from 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.