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CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Conducted Thursday, November 19, 2009 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (EST); 12:00-2:00 p.m. (CDT)

Clarence Stokes, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 3109
Fred Smith, Vice President, CWA Local 3111
Nancy Underwood and Marc Hansmann, CWA Local 3122
Melissa Snyder-Pike, Vice President, Susan Moss, and Barry Larkin,
 CWA Local 3204
Harry Jones, CWA Local 3250
Diogenes Miller, CWA Local 3310
Paul Pearson, President, CWA Local 3410
Tony Vick, Secretary, CWA Local 3603
Dale Smith, President, CWA Local 3616
Walter Long, and Johnny McCollum, CWA Local 3902
Rodney Jones, Executive Vice President, CWA Local 3903
Mary Layton, President, and David Betts, Treasurer, CWA Local 3905
Booker Lester, Administrative Director, and
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director.

Participants Reports/New Issues-
Melissa Snyder-Pike, CWA local 3204, mentioned AT&T has assigned technicians to work alone during the evening/non-daylight hours with an adequate illumination of the work area. It was agreed the Company may be in violation of the illumination provisions of the OSHA Telecommunications Standard, 29 CFR 1910.268. Melissa said she would discuss this with AT&T and let District 3 OSH activists know the results of her conversations.

Melissa raised another issue re. the use of wheel chocks on Company vehicles. Indicating one of the local's members had received discipline for using only two (as opposed to four) chocks, participants discussed their experiences with this issue. Strangely enough, some areas are required to use two chocks and others four. Melissa indicated she would re-visit this issue with Company supervision.

A third issue re. whether AT&T technicians could have Department of Transportation-required physical examinations conducted by their personal physician was discussed. Participants noted technicians could have their personal physician conduct the examination, however the Company would not be obligated to pay for it/they would have to pay for it.  

Johnny McCollum, CWA Local 3902, indicated AT&T had turned off the hot water in represented central offices. David LeGrande suggested reviewing the OSHA Sanitation Standard, 29 CFR 1910.141 and re-visiting this issue with the Company.

Also, Johnny said the Company had installed waterless urinals which emptied directly into the ground outside of the workplace. David suggested contacting the municipal health department to have this situation corrected.   

Marc Hansmann, CWA Local 3122, asked about AT&T's continued use of Western Electric cross-boxes which have emitted a sticky-chemical substance. Indicating the Company had tested the ingredients and potential for worker exposure with the results identifying non-hazardous levels, he suggested the cross-boxes should be removed. David LeGrande suggested unless there were specific safety and health hazards involved, lacking a state/municipal requirement AT&T had no obligation to remove the equipment. Also, David asked other participants if they had experienced similar issues with the Western Electric cross-boxes to which no one indicated similar problems.  

2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
David LeGrande
led a discussion re. the Union's October 3-5 Occupational Safety and Health Conference in San Diego, California thanking participating District 3 OSH activists for their support (11 District 3 activists attended the conference).  He outlined the various presentations and workshops as well as participation by OSH activists from the United Steelworkers (USW), academics, and key CWA officers referring participants to visit the CWA OSH Webpage,, for additional details.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande
provided an update re. the status of the Employee Free Choice Act noting the legislative process has been slowed as a result of primary attention to the health care reform legislation. However, it is anticipated action on the Employee Free Choice Act will occur before the end of 2009.   

Occupational/Environmental Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande
discussed the various appointments of pro-worker personnel to top positions within the U.S. Department of Labor, OSHA, and EPA indicating much activity is underway to revitalize these and other related agencies that focus upon occupational and environmental safety and health. This work will directly translate into opportunities for expanding CWA's workplace and environmental safety and health work and activities.

Regional/State Regulatory/Legislative Issues-
Participants indicated there were not any recent safety and health/environmental regulatory or legislative initiatives in their states.     

CWA Heat Stress Campaign-
David LeGrande indicated the Safety and Health Department will be initiating a Heat Stress Campaign during early 2010. Materials will be provided to districts and locals along with encouragement to participate in this important activity.

Regional/State Regulatory/Legislative Issues-
Participants reported there were not any recent safety and health/environmental regulatory or legislative initiatives in their states. David LeGrande noted numerous regulatory and procedural actions underway at Federal OSHA to improve workplace safety and health highlighting H1N1/Pandemic Flu, ergonomics, and training grant and outreach activities. However, legislative initiatives such as the Protecting America's Workers Act and legislation that would ban the production and use of asbestos within the U.S. are stalled.

Workplace Ergonomics and Job Stress-
David LeGrande mentioned the initiation of the Safety and Health Department's Workplace Ergonomics and Job Stress Campaign to begin during the early part of 2010. Details of this activity will be provided to CWA leaders and OSH activists in the coming weeks.

CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Training-
David LeGrande discussed the Union's plans to continue expanding our mutual safety and health work with the USW. Noting the working agreement developed and agreed to by both CWA and USW, he indicated mutual training and education work has already occurred and will gain speed during 2010. This includes developing and submitting training grants together (On November 21, CWA and the USW submitted a joint grant proposal to the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences), conducting safety and health training, working jointly on legislative and regulatory initiatives, as well as sharing and developing training and education materials.

AT&T U-verse work-
Several participants indicated the Company was pressing technicians to not take negotiated rest breaks. David LeGrande mentioned participants should review the contractual language on this issue. Also, he noted the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) specifies how long employees may work before being provided breaks. Needless to say, the Company will have to follow the language stipulated in the collective bargaining agreement as well as the FLSA. David said he would review the FLSA and get back with participants. (In checking the provisions of the FLSA, the law does not cover rest breaks. However, rest breaks may be established through state laws. Thus, OSH activists are encouraged to check with their respective state departments of labor regarding the existence of applicable regulations. In addition, as noted rest breaks are the product of collective bargaining. Activists are encouraged to ensure employers are adhering to the negotiated language)   

Date of the Next CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Wednesday, February 17, 2010 from 1:00-3:00 p.m. (EST); 12:00-2:00 (CDT).