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CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Gary Cotton, President, CWA Local 3102
Mike Stovall, President, CWA Local 3106
Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3108
Clarence Stokes, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 3109
Nancy Underwood and Marc Hansmann, CWA Local 3122
Melissa Snyder-Pike, Vice President, Kelly Benson, and James Brown, CWA Local 3204
Diogenes Miller, CWA Local 3310
Terry Buchholz, CWA Local 3315
Dwayne Henderson, CWA Local 3403
Sandy Kemp, President, CWA Local 3404
Bobby Beller, CWA Local 3406
Erik Lehto, Vice President, CWA Local 3407
William Pilgreen, President, CWA Local 3414
Ernie Johnson, President, CWA Local 3519
Tony Vick, Secretary, CWA Local 3603
Richard Honeycutt, President, CWA Local 3605
Deborah McLamb, CWA Local 3607
Paul Jones, President, and Richard Starr, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 3611
Gerald Wright, CWA Local 3704
Pat Elgar, CWA Local 3706
Robby Pace, CWA Local 3806
Walter Long, Johnny McCollum, and Claude Perry, CWA Local 3902
Andrew Gifford, President, CWA Local 3904
Mary Layton, President, CWA Local 3905
Willie Leggett, CWA Representative
Mike Fahrenholt, CWA Representative
Booker Lester, Administrative Director
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports/New Issues-
    Marc Hansmann, CWA Local 3122,
    raised concerns re. AT&T’s falsification of occupational safety and health training records. The Company has been has been recording Marc and other members/AT&T employees as having received safety and health training when, in fact, they have not. Other participants mentioned they knew of similar examples of this company behavior which have occurred in their area. Marc indicated he would provide updated information. David LeGrande asked participants to document instances of falsification of training and provide this information to Booker Lester and himself.

Deborah McLamb, CWA Local 3607, mentioned AT&T is not equipping fiber trailers with stabilizing, anti-sway equipment. Thus, while driving, the fiber trailers have a tendency to fish-tail. Deborah asked participants if they were experiencing similar problems and knew of anti-sway equipment. Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3108, suggested local members have experienced this problem indicating this anti-sway equipment is available and should be requested from the Company. Examples could be obtained by searching the web for anti-sway bar equipment. Tony Vick, CWA Local 3603, indicated Northern Tool made such equipment. If AT&T refuses to provide the anti-sway equipment, the Local should file a grievance and pass this information on to Booker Lester.

Nancy Underwood, CWA Local 3122, mentioned AT&T is not providing the appropriate electric generators for outside work. In turn, James Brown, CWA Local 3204, offered a solution to resolving this issue.

Melissa Snyder-Pike, CWA Local 3204, reported due to AT&T’s refusal to allow members employed in the represented DSL office to participate in building evacuation drills, the Local plans to file charges with federal OSHA. David LeGrande suggested contacting local government authorities to identify specific ordinances mandating evacuation procedures before filing charges with OSHA. Often, local governments have more success in convincing employers to follow their/such ordinances.

Claude Perry, CWA 3902, mentioned local members employed as customer service workers by AT&T had filed a complaint with federal OSHA re. indoor air quality problems. He anticipated the Agency’s action will convince AT&T to resolve the design and related member health problems.

 In addition, Claude reported on two of the Local’s recent successful activities. The first involved ensuring the appropriate maintenance and safe operation of AT&T building elevator equipment; the second focused upon the Company providing the appropriate and sanitary bathroom facilities.

Regarding the issue of safe, properly operating elevator equipment, Kelly Benson, CWA Local 3204, noted AT&T indicated they were not able to obtain the appropriate equipment/parts to repair future elevator problems. Claude Perry suggested ideas to provide the Company so the supervisor could obtain any necessary elevator parts.

Tony Vick, CWA Local 3603, reported recently represented technicians were held up (at gunpoint) while working in a high-crime area. Mike Stovall, CWA Local 3606, James Brown, CWA Local 3204, and Clarence Stokes, CWA Local 3109, suggested the Company must provide workers with appropriate training on workplace violence as well as assign two technicians to perform work in high-crime areas. Mike Fahrenholt, CWA Representative, said he would send a copy of guidelines used in Louisiana requiring the Company to assign two technicians to work in high-crime areas/ provide safe and healthful working conditions/protections and Melissa Snyder-Pike, CWA Local 3204, indicated she would send a copy of a training presentation on workplace violence (for outside technicians).

  • CWA Local 3212 Member Fatality-
    David LeGrande
    reported the January 13, 2010 fatality of William Britt Hunt (a member of CWA Local 3212 and employee of AT&T). His death occurred while he was winding telecommunications cable on to a cable winch. During this operation, the cable wound around his feet dragging him into the winch. Unfortunately, AT&T had assigned Britt to perform this two-person job alone. At present, with assistance from the Union’s Occupational Safety and Health Department, CWA District 3 (including Local 3212), and OSHA are conducting comprehensive investigations. Booker Lester noted federal OSHA’s investigation should be completed in the near future. Upon receipt of the Agency’s investigation, District 3 will provide a copy to all locals. In turn, the Union should advocate for/work with AT&T to ensure safe and healthful working conditions are provided technicians so a similar tragedy does not occur again.   
  • CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Retreat-
    David LeGrande
    mentioned plans to conduct the 2010 District 3 OSH Retreat are on hold pending ratification of the District 3/AT&T collective bargaining agreement. Following ratification of the agreement, retreat plans will be re-initiated. (The contract was ratified March 5).
  • The Employee Free Choice Act-
    David LeGrande
    indicated the Employee Free Choice Act is still up for consideration by U.S. Congress. It is hoped the Act will receive necessary consideration after the completion of health care reform legislation.
  • Protecting Americas’ Workers Act-
    David LeGrande
    mentioned the Act is expected to receive consideration by legislators during the 2010 congressional session. When this occurs, additional information will be provided. This far-reaching legislation would be the first time the OSHAct of 1970 was amended.  
  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign-
    David LeGrande
    mentioned the Occupational Safety and Health Department has initiated a national heat stress campaign targeting telecommunications, public, and other represented work locations where members are exposed to workplace hazards associated with hot outdoor work environments. Over the last several years, two CWA telecommunications members have suffered workplace fatalities and many more represented workers have experienced heat stress health problems. The initiative is intended to further identify member issues, provide education and training materials, and resolve member heat stress health problems through Union action and the collective bargaining process. In addition, CWA is working with federal OSHA and NIOSH to ensure represented employers are in compliance with the Agencies heat stress guidelines and recommended standard, respectively, and providing safe and healthful working conditions. David asked for input and participation of District 3 OSH activists to help develop and conduct the campaign. Participants enthusiastically agreed to participate.

  • CWA/USW/UAW Alliance- Occupational Safety and Health-
    David LeGrande
    reported CWA and the USW are continuing our joint work to develop and provide occupational and environmental safety and health education and training to both union’s safety and health activists. Funding for these activities will come from a grant submitted to the National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS). It is anticipated the Agency’s response to the grant proposal will be made during March-April, 2010. Upon receipt of grant funds, David will notify CWA leaders and OSH activists throughout the U.S.
  • Date of the Next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
    The next CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Wednesday, May 12, 2010 from 1:00- 3:00 p.m.