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CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Saqueena Callender, CWA Local 3108
Clarence Stokes, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 3109
Fred Smith, CWA Local 3111
Marc Hansmann and Nancy Underwood, CWA Local 3122
Melissa Snyder-Pike, Vice President, CWA Local 3204
Stanley Long, Vice President, CWA Local 3205
Terry Buchholz, CWA Local 3315 
Jonathan Campbell, President, CWA Local 3321 
Edna Wiley, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 3407
Matt Wood, President, CWA Local 3411
Tony Vick, Secretary, CWA Local 3603
Chris Myrick, CWA Local 3607
Claus Perry and Chad Welch, CWA Local 3902
Rodney Jones, Executive Vice President, CWA Local 3903
Mary Layton, President, and David Betz, Treasurer, CWA Local 3905             

Participant Reports/New Issues- 
In order that adequate time was paid to participant reports/new issues, this item was placed at the beginning of the call.

Saqueena Callender, CWA Local 3108, mentioned AT&T supervisors are selecting technicians to come in before the work shift and fill-up the ice and potable water containers of other technicians. Local 3108 union representatives and technicians have voiced their disapproval of this procedure.

Marc Hansmann and Nancy Underwood, CWA Local 3122, reported AT&T is doing the same thing in the Miami area. When they brought their opposition to this activity, the Company indicated it was having the ice and water filled-up (in the containers) in order that technicians leave the garage/yard earlier than when technicians perform these tasks themselves. Several representatives from other Florida locals said the Company was doing the same thing in their areas. All of these participants indicated they needed guidance from the District to resolve the Company behavior involving one particular Florida supervisor.

Continuing this discussion, Clarence Stokes, CWA Local 3109, mentioned he had called the county health department for assistance regarding the Company practice. In turn, the public health officials noted disposable gloves must be provided to the individual responsible for replacing ice and potable water in the containers. This action led the Company to allow each technician to replace the ice and potable water in their respective containers.

David LeGrande asked participants from states other than Florida if they were experiencing the same problems/this Company action. None of the participants were having this problem with AT&T. In turn, David asked OSH activists from Florida locals to send him specific information regarding the problems they were having with AT&T. Upon receipt, he said he would draft a report of this material and send a copy to each of the participants as well as Booker Lester, Administrative Director/staff with occupational safety and health responsibilities, for the appropriate action.

Claus Perry, CWA Local 3902, reported AT&T is putting re-tread tires on line and bucket trucks and expressed concern for the safety of affected technicians. Chris Myrick, CWA Local 3607, suggested checking the Department of Transportation regulations to see if the Company was in violation.  (David LeGrande asked that this information be provided to him).

Marc Hansmann, CWA Local 3122, reported AT&T is providing old Western Electric cross boxes to technicians as they perform U-Verse work. Unfortunately, the cross-boxes are leaking a gummy substance. In turn, as technicians complete their work, the substance gets on their skin and clothing. Marc has asked AT&T to provide the contents of the chemical mixture/substance. However, AT&T has not provided this information.

David LeGrande asked if other locals were experiencing this problem (to which all indicated they were not). Thus, he suggested Marc make a formal request asking AT&T to provide a material safety data sheet for this substance. If this information is not available, the Company should conduct bulk sample monitoring and provide Marc/the local with the test results. When this occurs, David asked Marc to send him a copy of the results for review.

Also, Marc advocated CWA leaders and OSH activists use available communication tools and equipment, such as Twitter, to better coordinate between and among one another. Many of the participants agreed with this idea noting this issue should be passed on to Booker Lester for coordination.

Several OSH activists from Florida locals asked about the status of developing a statewide safety and health committee. As discussed during the CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Retreat, May, 2008, in coordination with Booker Lester, David LeGrande agreed to talk with Bob Gladu, President of CWA Local 3110 and CWA's Florida State Council. As previously reported, David mentioned he had talked with Bob about putting the formation of a state-wide safety and health committee within the Union's state council before other local representatives. In turn, he passed this information on to Booker Lester and Florida local OSH activists suggesting they follow-up with their local presidents to ensure the state-wide committee is established. David said he would re-visit this issue by talking with Booker Lester and Bob Gladu and reporting back to District 3 OSH activists.

Claus Perry, CWA Local 3902, asked how often AT&T is responsible for conducting fire drills in Company Call Centers. Several participants indicated Claus should contact the local fire department and inquire how often the Birmingham, Alabama ordinance requires fire drills be conducted. Then, after delivering this information to the Company, regular fire drills should be routinely conducted.

Also, Claus inquired about specific safety and health requirements when performing work in telecommunications confined spaces. David LeGrande referenced the CWA confined spaces safety and health fact sheet noting the employer must conform to the OSHA Telecommunications Standard, CFR29, 1910.268, and, where required, the General Industry Confined Spaces Standard, CFR29, 1910.146. This is particularly important in cases where technicians have to perform work in confined spaces contaminated with hazardous chemicals/substances.

Stanley Long, CWA Local 3205, mentioned local OSH activists should be using Company safety check lists for aerial lifts/bucket trucks and similar equipment to ensure the equipment is in proper working condition. If problems are identified, they should be brought to the attention of the Company supervisor and corrected before technicians are assigned to perform their work.

Fred Smith, CWA Local 3111, reported on the success of the Florida locals' day of safety. Although AT&T was not in favor of the local action, several safety and health problems and irregularities were identified and corrected ensuring technicians completed their work and returned home in the same mental and physical condition with which they began their work day. Stanley suggested CWA District 3 consider a district-wide day of safety. David LeGrande said he would pass this message on to Booker Lester. Also, he indicated CWA local leaders and OSH activists should raise this issue with District 3 Headquarters.

Several participants asked what they would need to do to have additional safety and health training and education conducted. David LeGrande responded this request should be sent to District 3 Headquarters. In turn, he would work with District 3 Headquarters in developing and conducting requested training.

Rodney Jones, CWA Local 3903, reported concerns with potential exposure to asbestos in a represented central office. David LeGrande suggested reviewing the CWA Asbestos Fact Sheet and requesting monitoring information from the company. If he encounters opposition from the Company representative, David asked Rodney to call him so that this issue may be properly resolved.

Melissa Snyder-Pike, CWA Local 3204, mentioned she, other local representatives, and members had recently participated in AT&T's Georgia safety rodeo. These are conducted every two months for CWA Georgia local and management employees. Melissa emphasized we need to ensure more represented workers are involved in participating in the safety rodeos.

However, as discussed by other participants, the Company does not adhere to this schedule, i.e., every two months, when conducting safety rodeos in other District 3 states. David LeGrande said he would raise this issue with Booker Lester to see if there might be more of a union-coordinated approach to addressing this concern.

CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
David LeGrande mentioned the Union's 2009 Occupational Safety and Health Conference will be held October 3-5, 2009 at the Holiday Inn On-the-Bay, San Diego, California. He encouraged OSH activists to bring this issue to the attention of their local president with the idea of maximizing participation. Several timely and important topics such as workplace ergonomics, workplace violence, indoor air quality, effective safety and health committees, and using occupational safety and health to build and strengthen the union will be addressed in plenary, panel, and strategy and discussion/workshop sessions.

CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Alliance-
David LeGrande indicated the CWA and USW Safety and Health Departments have drafted and agreed to enter into a working agreement to provide improved member working conditions and further member safety and health training and education opportunities. Already, CWA OSH activists have participated in one USW train-the-trainer training session. David mentioned more information regarding this beneficial relationship will be provided in the near future.

Date of the Next CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call- 
The next District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled August 14, 2009 from 1:00- 3:00 p.m. (EST).