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District 1 Conference Call Minutes

Conducted Tuesday, October 27, 2009 from 2:00- 4:00 p.m.


Participant Introductions-
Phil Tobin, CWA Local 1105
Beth Fronczek, CWA Local 1118
Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168
Steve Gauthier, IUE-CWA Local 81201
Micki Siegel de Hernandez, Director, CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Program, and
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director.

Participant Reports/New Issues-
Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168
, reported on the New York State Safe Patient Handling Act and the December 10 meeting on this legislation. This event will attract representatives from several unions and COSH groups.

Beth Fronczek, CWA Local 1118, mentioned issues related to potential asbestos exposure of Verizon technicians. After considerable discussion, David LeGrande and Micki Siegel de Hernandez suggested identifying specific work locations and the potential for asbestos- containing materials and involvement of the local. When this is accomplished, in coordination with District 1 Headquarters and the Union's Safety and Health Department, possible action can be determined involving Verizon and, if necessary, OSHA.

Electrical Grounding/Bonding- David LeGrande asked participants if there were any exposure concerns re. electrical grounding and bonding. Micki Siegel de Hernandez indicated Verizon was forced to take action regarding FIOS bonding by the New York Public Service Commission. However, involved technicians have been notified to report any grounding/bonding issues.

2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
David Le Grande
led a discussion re. the Union's national safety and health conference conducted October 3-5, 2009. In particular, he thanked District 1 OSH activists for their participation and leadership (43 activists from the district participated). In addition, David noted the significant involvement of USW safety and health activists, indicating future joint efforts by the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Department and the USW Health, Safety and Environment Department would be occurring in 2010 and beyond. Featured topics included the economy and its relationship to occupational safety and health, workplace ergonomics and occupational stress, H1Ni Influenza A/Pandemic Flu, developing leadership skills through occupational safety and health training, and workplace violence. David encouraged participants to visit the CWA OSH webpage,, to review the conference summary including panel and workshop presentations.

H1N1 Influenza A/Pandemic Flu-
Micki Siegel de Hernandez
mentioned the status of the New York State Department of Health regulation mandating health care workers receive the H1N1 Influenza A and seasonal flu vaccines. CWA and other unions and COSH organizations have led a campaign opposing the mandate. Subsequently, due to a shortage of H1N1 vaccine, on October 30 Governor Paterson ordered the suspension of the mandatory action.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande
provided updated information re. the status of the Employee Free Choice Act noting a number of factors had slowed the legislative process. For example, opposition employers and employer associations had invested millions of dollars in their efforts to prevent passage of the bill and the Obama Administration had not weighed in recently to push for the passage of the Act. However, CWA and the rest of the labor movement will continue to fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act during the 2009 congressional session. Also, David thanked participants for their past and continued efforts to have the Act passed.

Advances in Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande
reported on the many actions taken by the Obama Administration to improve occupational and environmental safety and health. Examples include the nomination and confirmation of Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, then EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson, and the appointment of the long-time ally Jordan Barab as Acting Assistant Secretary at OSHA (Upon the nomination and confirmation of the Assistant Secretary, Jordan would become the Deputy Assistant Secretary). Also, Dr. David Michaels, George Washington University, has been nominated to become the Assistant Secretary of Labor- OSHA. David indicated OSHA and EPA are moving full-speed ahead to repair the many years of occupational and environmental safety and destruction by the Bush Administration.

National/Regional Regulatory/Legislative Issues-
Participants commented New York State is still in legislative gridlock and will probably remain in this state for some time. In addition, participants reported there were not any new or significant occupational or environmental safety and health legislative activities in Massachusetts, New Jersey or other states within District 1.

David LeGrande indicated movement on World Trade Center medical surveillance, chemical security, and workplace safety and health legislation within the U.S. Congress, but at the same time, suggested the emphasis upon health care reform legislative efforts were preventing these and other legislative bills from being acted upon through completion. It now appears these legislative bills will not receive attention until the last months of 2009.

CWA-United Steel Workers/Tony Mazzocchi Center/Labor Institute Joint Safety and Health Activities-
David LeGrande
discussed the various education and grant-directed safety and health activities between CWA, the United Steelworkers, the Tony Mazzocchi Center, and the Labor Institute including conducting joint training sessions, jointly writing and submitting grant proposals, participating in CWA/USW safety and health conferences, and working together on occupational and environmental legislation.

Date of the Next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be conducted on Monday, January 25, 2010 from 10:00 A.M. to 12:00 P.M.