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CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Amy Lafferty, CWA Local 1022
John Gentile and Eddie Williams, CWA Local 1103
Bob Shannon, Vice President, and Maggie Sporbert, CWA Local 1105
Bill Henning, Vice President, CWA Local 1180 
Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168
Rick White, Treasurer, CWA Local 1701
Henry Plimack and Paul Vasquez, President, NABET-CWA Local 51016
Micki Siegel de Hernandez, Director, CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Program and 
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande discussed the importance of OSH activist’s participation in working for the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. In discussing the need for such passage, he emphasized the Act would allow unorganized workers the opportunity to organize a union and successfully negotiate protective workplace safety and health collective bargaining provisions. In turn, as CWA and the labor movement are successful in organizing more workers into unions, the increased numbers of union-represented workers would increase labor’s overall ability to negotiate comprehensive workplace safety and health contract language with represented employers.
Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-
David LeGrande reported on examples of the Obama Administration’s support for improved occupational safety and health policies and practices. The nomination and confirmation of Congresswoman Hilda Solis (D-CA) as Secretary of Labor is the first sign of a marked improvement. Congresswoman’s Solis past support for and activity on behalf of workplace safety and health demonstrates she will be a tireless advocate for improved workplace safety and health and workers’ rights.

More recently, the appointment of Jordan Barab as OSHA’s Acting Assistant Secretary (once a permanent Assistant Secretary is nominated and confirmed he will become the Deputy Assistant Secretary) is another indication of President Obama’s commitment to improved and safe and healthful working conditions. Previously, Jordan served in a number of positions including the chief staff representing labor policy and safety and health issues for the House of Representatives Labor and Education Committee, OSHA labor liaison during the Clinton Administration, and Director of Occupational Safety and Health for AFSCME. CWA and the rest of the labor movement look forward to working with Jordan in his new position.

A Review of the CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Retreat and Training Session, March 13-14, 2009-
David LeGrande reported forty-eight CWA District 1 leaders and OSH activists participated in the very successful retreat (See the full report by going to the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Webpage,, and clicking on to the report). He thanked all activists for their participation. Based on the positive participation and response to the targeted issues, several of the topics will be featured at the Union’s Occupational Safety and Health Conference, October 3-5, 2009.
Blue/Green Alliance-
David LeGrande reported on CWA’s membership in the recently-created Blue/Green (Labor/Environmental) Alliance. In coordination with the United Steelworkers, the Laborers, and the Service Employees International Union, CWA has joined this coalition for the purpose of helping to create good (sustainable union) jobs, green jobs, and safe jobs. Focused primarily upon manufacturing work, the Blue/Green Alliance includes environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club and the National Resources Defense Council, and the labor/environmental coalition- the New Jersey Work Environment Council.

David noted the recently-conducted “Good Jobs/Green Jobs Conference” (February 4-6, 2009 in Washington, D.C.) was a great success. In the near future, several educational and legislative activities will be developed and translated into useful products for CWA and the other labor/environmental partners.

CWA/USW/UAW Alliance- Occupational Safety and Health-
David LeGrande reported following the request of President Larry Cohen to reach out, share resources, and work more with the safety and health personnel at the USW and UAW several very positive events have already occurred. For example, CWA and the USW have drafted a tentative safety and health working agreement which will result in significant opportunities for CWA leaders and OSH activists. For example, the agreement will result in increased training sessions and targeted legislative/regulatory activities between the two safety and health departments. Although not as far along, similar discussions are also taking place between CWA and UAW safety and health personnel.
CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
David LeGrande indicated the Union’s Occupational Safety and Health Conference will be held October 3-5, 2009 at the Holiday Inn On-the-Bay, San Diego, California. Several timely safety and health topics such as workplace ergonomics, workplace violence, indoor air quality, effective safety and health committees, and using safety and health to help build and strengthen CWA will be featured during plenary, panel, and strategy and discussion/workshop sessions. Several participants said they looked forward to participating in the conference.

National/Regional Legislative/Regulatory Activities-
David LeGrande mentioned legislation focused upon expanding worker occupational safety and health protections, banning asbestos, and chemical security are advancing through U.S. Congress. However, the primary target is the passage of the Employee Free Choice Act. Passage of the Act will serve to greatly increase the opportunity for worker organizing efforts as well as improved occupational safety and health protections. 

Micki Siegel de Hernandez presented an update on World Trade Center medical treatment and surveillance activities.  Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168, mentioned the New York State Safe Patient Handling legislation is expected to make considerable progress and hopefully be enacted during the 2009 legislative session. Along with the District 1 Headquarters, CWA Local 1168 and WYNCOSH have been two of the primary organizations involved in leading this effort. 

Participant Reports/New Issues-
Micki Siegel de Hernandez reported the State of New York has funded/re-funded the District 1 Occupational Safety and Health grant. Initially funded in 1987, grant funds will allow District 1 to continue its premier safety and health training, education, and organizational activities. Congratulations to Micki, Chris Shelton, Vice President, District 1, as well as local leaders and safety and health activists for their continued support of and participation in planned activities under the grant. 

Bob Shannon, CWA Local 1105, mentioned numerous occupational safety and health concerns and problems which have occurred as a result of Verizon’s removal of security guards from represented workplaces. He indicated the Local will continue to raise the issue with the Company and report back on successful results. Other participants questioned Verizon’s purely economic “dollars and cents” logic as opposed to providing safe and secure working conditions.

David LeGrande encouraged CWA local union safety and health activists to conduct a review of employer Occupational Injury/Illness Logs. After OSH activists request and review these logs, they are encouraged to discuss their concerns with represented employers. David offered assistance in initiating and completing this process encouraging participants to contact him or (Micki Siegel de Hernandez).

Date of the Next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Monday, July 13, 2009 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.