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CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call


Participant Introductions-

John Gentile, CWA Local 1103
Bob Shannon, Vice President, Maggie Sporbert, and Phi Tobin, CWA Local 1105
Beth Fronczak, CWA Local 1118
Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168
Ted Comick, IUE-CWA Local 81201
Bruce Hamelin IUE-CWA Local 81301
Paul Vasquez, President, NABET-CWA Local 51016 and
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director.                              

Participant Reports/New Issues-

Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168, reported on the jointly-developed and conducted respirator fit-testing efforts with Kaleida Health Care System. Although the idea for this project dates back to the SARS epidemic a few years ago, it now fits perfectly with Pandemic Flu- H1N1 concerns. Dana indicated the fit-testing will place primary emphasis upon nurses and other health care personnel working in primary patient care areas such as the emergency room, operating rooms, and intensive care units. Following these efforts, fit-testing will cover other health care personnel throughout the facilities. Dana indicated he would continue to keep OSH activists up-to-date re. the progress of this work.  David LeGrande noted this work is truly unique in-so-far as it is the largest of its type and the only labor-management program of this size in the U.S. The local's efforts are the result of the hard and successful work of Dana, Diane Moats, his predecessor, the officers and other leaders of Local 1168, as well as the District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Program.

Ted Comick, IUE-CWA Local 81201, discussed the upcoming OSHA VPP (Voluntary Protection Program) recertification at the represented General Electric Manufacturing facility in Lynn, Massachusetts. Along with the Company, the local began its VPP efforts a few years ago. VPP-union represented facilities (such as the Lynn Works) provide improved working conditions for represented workers and experience reduced rates of workplace injuries and illnesses. Ted said he would let OSH activists know of the recertification results in an upcoming conference call.

Bob Shannon, CWA Local 1105, reported Verizon has (for all practical purposes) discontinued its inside and outside workplace ergonomics training and equipment program. In addition, he noted Company cutbacks have even reduced security protections at represented workplaces to the point where security personnel are basically a thing of the past. Several participants indicated they had witnessed similar changes by Verizon and briefly discussed various types of action that might be taken to move the Company in the proper direction, i.e., to provide members with safe and healthful working conditions.

Beth Fronczak, CWA Local 1118, discussed the status of further discussions re. the use of AEDs with Verizon. On behalf of represented workers, she encouraged the Company to work with Union in providing use of AEDs as essential and cost effective. However, to date, Verizon has decided to not initiate the use of AEDs. Beth indicated she would provide updates as necessary.

The Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-  David LeGrande provided updated information re. the status of the Employee Free Choice Act noting a number of factors had slowed the legislative process. For example, employers and employer associations opposed to the bill had invested millions of dollars in their efforts to prevent passage of the bill, Senator Kennedy (D-MASS) and Senator Byrd (D-WVA) were both ill and not able to lead the charge on behalf of the bill, Al Franken (D-MINN) had not yet been seated in the U.S. Senate, and the Obama Administration had not weighed in recently to push for the passage of the Act. However, CWA and the rest of the labor movement will continue to fight for passage of the Employee Free Choice Act during the 2008 Congress. Also, David thanked participants for their past and continued efforts to have the Act passed.

Advances in Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-  David LeGrande reported on the many actions taken by the Obama Administration to improve occupational and environmental safety and health. First, the nomination and confirmation of Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, then EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson,  and the appointment of the long-time ally Jordan Barab as Acting Assistant Secretary at OSHA (Upon the nomination and confirmation of the Assistant Secretary, Jordan would become the Deputy Assistant Secretary). David indicated OSHA and EPA are moving full-speed ahead to repair the many years of occupational and environmental safety and destruction by the Bush Administration.

National/Regional Regulatory/Legislative Issues-

Participants reported New York (State) is presently in legislative gridlock and will probably remain in this state for some time. In addition, participants reported there were not any new or significant occupational or environmental safety and health legislative activities in Massachusetts, New Jersey or other states within District 1.

David LeGrande indicated movement on World Trade Center medical surveillance, chemical security, asbestos, and workplace safety and health legislation within the U.S. Congress, but at the same time, suggested the emphasis upon health care reform legislative efforts were pushing/preventing these and other legislative bills from being acted upon. It now appears these legislative bills will not receive attention until the final months of 2009.

IUE-CWA Occupational Injury and Illness Investigation-

David LeGrande commented upon the recently-conducted IUE-CWA Occupational Injury and Illness Investigation. Twenty-three (23) locals representing 48 employers participated in this work. Of importance, through their local union and negotiated joint labor-management workplace safety and health committees, several locals indicated represented employers reported injury and illness rates well below the OSHA national average rate of 5.60 per 100 employees for manufacturing facilities. This report is available on the CWA OSH Department web site-

2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-

David LeGrande mentioned details regarding the upcoming safety and health conference encouraging District 1 OSH activists to participate and reach out to other locals in recruitment for the conference. The conference will be held October 3-5, 2009 at the Holiday Inn on-the-Bay, San Diego, California. David reminded participants the conference call letter is available on the OSH web site-

Several activists indicated they planned to attend and recruit other activists to participate.

CWA-United Steel Workers/Tony Mazzocchi Center Joint Safety and Health Activities-

David LeGrande discussed the various education and grant-directed safety and health activities between CWA, the United Steel Workers, and the Tony Mazzocchi Center including conducting joint training sessions, jointly writing and submitting grant proposals, participating in the CWA/USW safety and health conferences, and working together on occupational and environmental legislation.

Date of the Next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be conducted on Monday, October 19, 2009 from 10:00 A.M.- to 12:00 P.M.