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December 2011 District 3 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call Conducted Thursday December 1, 2011 from 1:00- 3:00 p.m.

  • Participants-

Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3106
Marc Hansman and Nancy Underwood, CWA Local 3122
Anthony Hill, CWA Local 3204
Billy O’Dell, President, CWA Local 3215
Terry Buchholz, CWA Local 3315
John Copas, CWA Local 3406
Dugg Harrison, President, CWA Local 3411
Robbie Pace, CWA Local 3806
Isa Shabazz, CWA Representative
Booker Lester, Administrative Director to the Vice President, and
David LeGrande. CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports-

Dugg Harrison, CWA Local 3411 , described a recent action by AT&T in which the Company fired a 39-year employee as a result of the occurrence of two motor vehicle accidents since 2010. Other than these incidents, the affected worker has had a perfect employment record. At present, the Local has filed a grievance against AT&T. Dugg said he would provide updates as they occur.

Further, Dugg noted AT&T is assigning construction manhole/confined spaces work as a one-person job. Given the potential for hazardous substances to be present during confined spaces work, several participants suggested different ideas for coverage by the OSHA General Industry Confined Spaces Standard, 1910.146, rather than the Telecommunications Standard, 1910.268 (which is less protective), as well as environmental chemical contamination protections provided through the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The General Industry Standard requires two workers perform confined space work (where hazardous substances are identified).

Also, David LeGrande encouraged Dugg talk with an OSHA compliance officer in the Shreveport, Louisiana OSHA Area Office to gain support from the Agency. In turn, if the Company places a member in harm’s way, this might lead to filing an OSHA complaint.

In closing, Dugg mentioned AT&T continues to provide two craft workers to perform confined spaces installation and repair work.

Terry Buchholz, CWA Local 3315 , said AT&T offered to provide untrained contract workers to serve as a second individual when confined spaces work was performed. However, the Local did not approve this request. Dugg Harrison, mentioned AT&T had tried the same tactic in Local 3411’s jurisdiction. However, the Local disapproved the Company’s request. Clearly these examples demonstrate AT&T is de-emphasizing the importance of providing construction craft workers with safe and healthful working conditions.

Marc Hansman, CWA Local 3122 , brought up the issue re. AT&T’s removal of fire extinguishers from Controlled Environment Vaults (CEV’s). After considerable discussion, Marc investigated the NFPA rules which stated the Company must install fire extinguishers in CEV’s and provide associated training to all technicians who work in CEV’s. Marc indicated he would provide an update re. his follow-up actions with the Company.

John Copas, CWA Local 3406 , mentioned a number of indoor air quality concerns at the AT&T service representative workplace in Lafayette, Louisiana. Several participants joined this conversation pointing our the need to ensure the Company is complying with the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) indoor air quality standard. David LeGrande suggested John download a copy of the Union’s “Indoor Air Quality and the Workplace Fact Sheet,” available on the CWA Occupational Safety and Health Webpage. In turn, additional copies could be made and provided to affected workers. David offered continued support on this important issue.

  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign-

David LeGrande provided an update re. the Union’s Heat Stress Campaign emphasizing the need to ensure telecommunications technicians and other affected workers are provided safe and healthful working conditions. He directed participants to CWA’s OSH webpage for copies of CWA’s Heat Stress materials and encouraged participants to consider hosting heat stress and hazardous materials training funded by theUnion’s Heat Stress Strategic Industry Fund and CWA/USW grant funds awarded by theU.S. National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) grant. He suggested interested CWA leaders and OSH activists contact Steve Shaw, the CWA District 3 NIEHS grant trainer, Booker Lester, and/or himself.

  • CWA/USW Occupational Safety and Health Conferences-

David LeGrande mentioned CWA and the USW safety and health departments had worked together to conduct three regional health, safety, and environment conferences during 2011. In total, approximately 900 local union leaders and safety and health activists (including approximately 125 CWA activists) participated in these lively sessions.

During 2012 (March 5-9), the CWA/USW National Health, Safety, and Environment Conference will be held in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania. District 3 activists and conference call participants were encouraged to speak with their local president and executive board members regarding participation. David indicated the conference information would be posted on the Union’s Occupational Safety and Health web-page during December.

  • Republican Congress Legislative Assault on Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health-

David LeGrande noted Republican members of Congress have and will continue to attack workplace and environmental safety and health. Their efforts will include attempts to neutralize and prevent OSHA and EPA from fulfilling their legislative mandates. Recent hostile activities have primarily focused upon freezing the Agencies from introducing new regulations/standards and implementing existing regulations.

  • Date of the Next CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next CWA District 3 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Thursday, March 1, 2012 from 1:00- 3:00 p.m.

In closing, all participants wished one another a happy holiday season.