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December 2010 District 6 OSH Conference Call

CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

Conducted Thursday, December 2, 2010 from 8:30- 10:30 a.m. (CST)

  • Participants-

Darlene Kirchgessner, President, CWA Local 6128
Randy Agee, President CWA Local 6206

Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222
Nora Garcia, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 6229
Jim Billedo, President CWA Local 6312

Erin Hall, President, 6316
Linda Nesler, President, CWA Local 6360
Jason Burns, President, CWA local 6401
Tim Andrews, Secretary-Treasurer, CWA Local 6508
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

  • Participant Reports/New Issues-

Erin Hall, President, CWA Local 6316, reported on recent incident in which represented customer service workers were exposed to a cleaning solvent and experienced significant health problems. The exposures occurred while a contracted firm was performing construction work in an adjacent office. When Erin reported these problems to AT&T management personnel, they told her the chemicals contained in the product were not toxic (even though several members, including workers who were pregnant, became nauseated/sick and had to leave work). Erinrequested the MSDS for the chemical product. However, the Company indicated that since the product was nontoxic, an MSDS was not available. In turn, Erin spoke with David LeGrande about this matter. David encouraged Erin to take the product information off the container label, contact the manufacturer requesting an MSDS, and send him a copy of the MSDS. In addition, David recommended all affected members (with health problems) have this information recorded in their medical records, keep a copy for their personal records, and provide the local with copy.

Tim Andrews, CWA Local 6508, indicated AT&T had begun to distribute non-caffeinated energy drinks to premise technicians (in an effort to increase productivity?). Tim asked if this was occurring in other parts of District 6 or the U.S. to which participants indicated to their knowledge it was not. Regarding other parts of the country, David LeGrande said he would inquire among locals to see if this practice was being replicated. Also, David suggested Tim check the product label to identify the product ingredients are and send him this information.

  • CWA District 6/AT&T Occupational Safety and Health Committee-

Charlie Torres, CWA Representative, was unable to participate in this conference call. Unless something is of an urgent nature, he will provide an update re the joint occupational safety and health committee during the next scheduled call.

  • CWA Local 2100 MOSH Complaint Regarding First Aid/CPR Training against Verizon-

David LeGrande discussed an important issue regarding the provision of first aid/CPR training to telecommunications technicians. During the early part of 2010, CWA Local 2100 filed a complaint with the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Administration (MOSH) targeting the provision of first aid/CPR training by Verizon. After filing the complaint (in early 2010) for the Company’s use of computer-based/not instructor-led first aid/CPR training for telecommunications technicians, MOSH conducted an expanded investigation finding the Company in violation and issued a “serious” citation. In turn, Verizon contested the citation. In September, a hearing was conducted by the Maryland Office of Administrative Hearings. To date, the presiding administrative law judge has not issued his decision/opinion. Given the potential impact upon other represented telecommunications technicians, when the legal decision becomes available, this information will be provided to all District 6 locals.

  • 2010 Elections and Occupational Safety and Health-

David LeGrande discussed the outcome of the 2010 federal, state, and local elections as they relate to our occupational and environmental safety and health work. Although the loss of many important seats to the Republican Party will present many obstacles, we will have to continue our work using different, creative tactics. One example would be expanding coalition work with other unions and environmental organizations (e.g., Blue/Green Alliance).

In addition, David mentioned two key legislative initiatives the Union is working on during the Lame Duck Congressional session: The James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act andthe Robert C. Byrd Miner Safety and Health Act. It is hoped, the labor movement will be successful in moving the pieces of legislation through the U.S. Senate and Congress.

  • CWA/USW/Tony Mazzocchi Center Occupational Safety and Health Training-

David LeGrande brought participants up-to date regarding the CWA/USW training activities. In coordination with District 6 Vice President Andy Milburn and CWA Representative Charlie Torres, Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222, wasappointed to represent District 6 in reaching out to locals and represented employers to initiate training activities. David noted to date 12 safety and health activists from CWA districts; the IUE-CWA; and the Public, Health Care, and Education Workers Sector are involved as trainers. Funded by our grant with the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, we see this work as critical to expanding the Union’s safety and health work.

Randy Rodriguez summarized his work to date asking for input and participation from all participants. In the near future, in coordination with Charlie Torres, he will be contacting CWA local presidents, AT&T and other represented employers within District 6 encouraging them to cooperate/participate in rolling out the Union’s training program.

  • CWA Heat Stress Campaign-

David LeGrande mentioned the Union’s Heat Stress Campaign is continuing. To date, thousands of the CWA Heat Stress Fact Sheets have been distributed to and down-loaded by our leaders and members. In addition, nearly one thousand heat stress surveys have been completed and returned to the Safety and Health Department. Of concern, many member safety and health problems have been identified. Also, information has shown that several employers are not adhering to well established heat stress guidelines, procedures, and practices. At present, this data is being analyzed and translated into a written report for use by CWA leaders, staff, activists, and members. In turn, this information will be used within collective bargaining, regulatory, and legislative activities.

  • CWA Member Workplace Fatalities-

David LeGrande indicated over the last several years numerous member workplace fatalities have occurred. These tragedies have been entirely preventable- the result of employer neglect to provide safe and healthful working conditions for the decedents/their employees. At present, David indicated he is analyzing collected information for the purpose of drawing common causation threads and translating this information into a report for use by CWA leaders, staff, and activists. As this report is near completion, David will share the draft for comments.

  • Workplace Violence-

David LeGrande reported on two cases of workplace violence involving two Californiamembers/telecommunications technicians. The first involved an AT&T technician/Local 9404 member. While he was performing his outside telecommunications work (during his lunch break), two thugs opened the company vehicle door, then grabbed and threw him face-down on the pavement. Then one of the thugs jumped on him pushing a gun to the back of his head. He objected to the thug’s actions causing the thug to shoot at him. Fortunately the bullets sailed by our member and the thugs ran away. The local and district have brought their concerns to the attention of AT&T and are working to negotiate protective language.

The second incident involved a Verizon customer service employee/Local 9000 member. While walking to her workplace through the nearby Verizon parking lot, her estranged husband attacked her causing significant injury. In turn, she was transported by ambulance to a nearby hospital in critical condition. At present, she is still under hospital care, but moving towards recovery. Also, CWA District 9 and CWA Local 9000 are working with Verizon to establish a foundation for the family.

  • Date of the Next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-

The next CWA District 6 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be held on Thursday, March 3, 2011 from 8:30- 10:30 a.m. (CST).