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Day 2 Report: Verizon Workers March for the 99%

The soreness kicks in on day 2, say some marchers, but that didn't dampen anyone's enthusiasm for the day. Amazingly, Occupy Hudson formed today, with its very first meeting and event: protesting Bank of America in Hudson. Chanting "Banks got Bailed Out! We got Sold Out!" outside the Hudson branch, 50 marchers, union supporters and Occupy Hudson members protested the giant bank's foreclosure practices and its role in the economic meltdown. Occupy Hudson is now launched, joining hundreds of other local Occupy groups! Since it was Veteran's day, the marchers and the Hudson Valley Area Labor Federation also took a moment to honor our three marchers who are veterans: Mike Carmel and Manny Munoz of the U.S. Army (and Desert Storm), and Mick DeLaValle of the U.S. Navy. Arriving in Catskill to another warm welcome from the locals, our marchers called it a night after 17 miles on the road.

Occupy Hudson