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CWA's Cohen Elected to Head UNI World Telecom Committee
Washington, D.C. – Larry Cohen, executive vice president of the Communications Workers of America, was unanimously elected president of the World Telecom Committee of Union Network International.
UNI is the global trade union federation for media, information technology and communications workers representing 15 million workers in nearly 100 countries. UNI's world telecom committee represents more than 3 million workers at the world's largest telecom companies, including Deutsche Telekom, British Telecom, Telemex and NTT.
Cohen, elected by UNI delegates meeting in Washington, D.C., succeeds CWA President Morton Bahr as president of the telecom committee.
At the UNI committee meeting, Cohen stressed the importance of "bargaining to organize" at communications company throughout the world, particularly in wireless. He called on all union leaders "to demonstrate that we will not be divided by nation, by technology, by gender or by skills."
The committee also is working to promote universal telecom service that includes Internet and voice and to reach agreements with multi-national telecom companies on such issues as union recognition and full disclosure of strategic information.
UNI is the global trade union federation for media, information technology and communications workers representing 15 million workers in nearly 100 countries. UNI's world telecom committee represents more than 3 million workers at the world's largest telecom companies, including Deutsche Telekom, British Telecom, Telemex and NTT.
Cohen, elected by UNI delegates meeting in Washington, D.C., succeeds CWA President Morton Bahr as president of the telecom committee.
At the UNI committee meeting, Cohen stressed the importance of "bargaining to organize" at communications company throughout the world, particularly in wireless. He called on all union leaders "to demonstrate that we will not be divided by nation, by technology, by gender or by skills."
The committee also is working to promote universal telecom service that includes Internet and voice and to reach agreements with multi-national telecom companies on such issues as union recognition and full disclosure of strategic information.