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CWA Wins Seniority, Wage Gains for US Airways Unit
Initially, US Airways opposed the inclusion of these workers in the full passenger service unit and despite a December 1999 ruling by the National Mediation Board, the airline continued to refuse these workers coverage under the overall passenger service contract.
In September, the NMB offered its services as a facilitator for further bargaining.
This agreement means that the baggage and dividend miles workers now are fully covered by CWA's passenger service contract with the airline, which covers some 10,600 agents. The agreement also provides important job protections for these workers by securing their seniority if the proposed merger with United Airlines goes through.
Wage parity was a big issue in bargaining, and workers will receive immediate hourly pay raises of $2.50 to $5.30, plus the parity raise that takes effect in June as part of the overall passenger service contract. The dividend miles and baggage call center workers also will receive an immediate lump sum payment ranging from 4-12 percent of salary.
The pay system was changed to a step raise system, eliminating the sliding merit pay plan. CWA also won guarantees that this group would continue to have responsibility for all customer contact work.