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CWA Voices

Linda Miller, Verizon

Local 2001 President

Charleston, W.Va.

“We’ve lost thousands of jobs in Charleston and other cities in America’s heartland because of trade and tax policies which reward companies for sending jobs overseas. This race to the bottom has to stop and that’s why I support Obama for president. He believes in giving corporations an incentive to keep jobs here at home.”


James Starr, president CWA Retired Members Council

“John McCain doesn’t care about Social Security — he doesn’t need it. But for the rest of us, it’s the difference between staying afloat when you’re retired or living in poverty. McCain voted for Bush’s plan to privatize Social Security and he’s voted for big benefit cuts. Under McCain, there would be nothing ‘secure’ about Social Security.”


Cheryl Bacon, FOX KTTF-TV

Local 59053 Treasurer

Los Angeles, Calif.

“When I go to vote, the issue most on my mind will be the decline in wages and the growing inability of workers to keep up with health care costs and other living expenses.”


Walter Andrews, AT&T

Local 3204 President

Atlanta, Ga.

“Health care is the most important issue, especially in telecom where I work. Our success at the bargaining table hinges on it. This is why we need to vote for Barack Obama and candidates who really support working people’s interests. We cannot afford another four years of an administration like we’ve had with Bush.”


Michael Nguyen, Qwest

Local 7200 Legislative Chair

Minneapolis, Minn.

“For workers, the most important election issue bringing power back to working people so we can level the playing field with the corporations. This means electing a president and Congress who will support the Employee Free Choice Act.”


Red Nesler, Embarq

Local 6372 President, Buckner, Mo.

Served in U.S. Army in Panama, 1969-72

“When it comes to John McCain, I respect him as a fellow veteran. I respect the POW. But I don’t respect the way he’s voted when it comes to taking care of our troops and veterans today. He claims he supports veterans but he hasn’t. He didn’t support the recent GI bill and he didn’t support a raise for the troops. It’s hard to understand how someone who served in a war himself could vote that way, but that’s been the Republican party line and he’s sticking to it.”


Local 13000 retiree John Tomlinson,
Altoona, Penn

“John McCain’s voting record speaks for itself. Nine times out of 10, he votes in lockstep with the Bush administration, and that includes Bush’s attempt to privatize Social Security and cut billions from Medicare. He’s even voted against better benefits for our troops and veterans. That’s one of many reasons I’m not just voting for Obama, I’m volunteering for him.”


Maria Jimenez, AT&T

Local 6132 Legislative Chair

Austin, Texas

“Improving organizing and bargaining rights is the most important issue affecting workers in the election this fall. We need to elect candidates who support the Employee Free Choice Act. It’s the key to strengthening the middle class and improving our strength at the bargaining table.”