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CWA Tells Helena to Clean Up Its Act

Members of CWA Local 6139, on strike at Helena Laboratories in Beaumont, Texas, want the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to force the company to clean up its act - and the dangerous working conditions at the plant.

Following a round of surprise inspections, OSHA conducted air monitoring to determine the extent of Helena's violations. OSHA now is reviewing the data and will issue a report and citations. In addition, if OSHA determines that Helena has a written safety and health program that it has not implemented, the company could be cited for a willful violation.

The local is also seeking specific health and safety data from Helena; the company's failure to provide this information would constitute an additional OSHA violation, said CWA Representative Andrew Milburn.

David LeGrande, CWA's OSHA director, said the threat to workers' health at the plant was very serious, with employees exposed to cancer-causing chemicals and reproductive toxins which affect both men and women.

Little was achieved in a recent round of bargaining, with the union presenting some additional proposals on job health and safety. Helena has threatened to hire permanent replacements, but with unfair labor practice charges pending before the National Labor Relations Board, the company is prevented from implementing this threat, Milburn noted.

Helena workers are continuing to picket owner Tipton Golias's home, and have won considerable community support, including in Golias's own neighborhood. Church members throughout the area are distributing yard signs that support the Helena workers in their fight for fairness.

Union members leafleted outside a meeting of cardiologists in New Orleans, to make certain physicians were aware of the strike and possible problems with Helena products.

The union also is alerting distributors of Helena products about the strike and is encouraging any outlet that has a problem with Helena equipment or products to contact the Food and Drug Administration. Helena supplies blood screening tests and other medical equipment to Veterans' Administration hospitals nationwide, as well as to other outlets.