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CWA Reminds Democrats that Collective Bargaining Boosts the Economy
CWA's ad in the Democratic National Convention program.
When convention-goers open up their Democratic National Convention programs next week, they'll see a new CWA ad campaign reminding leaders of an important lesson in history.
The text says:
Democrats knew it then...
In 1938, the economist John Maynard Keynes wrote to FDR about the nation's economic crisis and said: "I regard the growth of collective bargaining rights as essential" to restoring economic prosperity.
FDR knew how important workers' bargaining rights were to rescuing Americans from the depths of the Great Depression.
Today, too many leaders have forgotten that. But collective bargaining rights are more important than ever.
That's the only way working Americans will get any share of the productivity gains they've produced over the past 40 years. And it's the only way we'll get our economy moving forward again.