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CWA Ready for the Future: Goals
Within CWA's four main goals — job security, health care, retirement security and bargaining and organizing rights — there are many ongoing campaigns in every district and sector. Here are 24 of the goals we're working on now.
Newspaper Industry
Move forward on the bid for several Knight Ridder newspapers, protecting 3,000 members' jobs and quality community newspapers.
Fight the Delphi bankruptcy to help protect the jobs and benefits of 7,000 members.
Airline Industry
Organize Northwest Flight Attendants (9,300) and Delta Flight Attendants (13,000).
U.S Trade Policy
Campaign for general tariff of 25 percent on imported goods.
State Politics
In Pennsylvania, use our political strength to make a difference at Comcast and Verizon.
Recognition at Verizon Business (formed partially by the acquisition of MCI), as well as the remaining non-union portions of Verizon Information Services, Verizon Wireless, and the Internet help desk (50,000 workers total).
End Outsourcing at AT&T
Stop outsourcing of internet help desk (6,000 workers) and other IP work.
Public Policy
Achieve high speed universal service goals that will benefit all citizens, not just the wealthy, and create tens of thousands of jobs.
Election 2006
Make real changes in the House of Representatives, U.S. Senate and governors; elect pro-worker governors in key battleground states of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin.
State Workers
Achieve union recognition for 30,000 workers in Arizona.
City Workers
Gain recognition for City of Jackson, Miss., workers (1,200 workers).
Ensure that the Alcatel/ Lucent merger protects 2,700 members' jobs.
Public Policy
Reform bankruptcy laws to protect union contracts and workers' rights.
Public Worker Pensions
Protect the pensions of 50,000 CWA public workers in New Jersey.
Broadcast Sector
Protect jobs in bargaining with GE/NBC and Disney/ABC for 5,000 current CWA members, and work to secure representation for hundreds more in expanding new areas at these companies (e.g. cable, lnternet and telecom).
Workers' Rights
Continue to build majority support for and pass the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA).
Ensure that the AT&T/Bell South acquisition protects 139,000 members' jobs and futures.
Take actions in the Alltel/Valor merger and Sprint/Embarq spinoff to protect 3,500 members' jobs.
Health Care
Fight for state and federal health care initiatives to address health care crisis.
Retirement Security
Win federal protections for defined benefit pension plans.
Win first contracts for embattled Comcast workers in Pittsburgh, and build southeast Michigan regional network of Comcast workers.
Organize the Cingular retail stores in seven remaining states in District 3 where they are not yet organized.
Win OSHA coverage for flight attendants.
Reduce non-members by 33 percent in District 6 (adding 3,000 to 3,500 members) and train 10 percent of membership as "Union Activist/Mobilization Specialist."