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CWA OSH NIEHS Grant Trainers Conference Call - May 2012

CWA Occupational Safety and Health NIEHS Grant Trainers Conference Call, Wednesday, Conducted from 12:00- 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday May 9, 2012

  • Participants-
    Alan Johnson, CWA Local 2204
    Steve Shaw, CWA Local 3108
    Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222
    Mike Nord, CWA Local 7804
    Bob Schwager, CWA Local 9417
    Robert Harris, CWA Local 9588
    Debbie Beeler, IUE-CWA Staff Representative
    Ted Comick, IUE-CWA Local 81201
    (Joe Alvarez had a conflicting meeting; Debra Fisher, IUE-CWA Local 84755, and Joan Lichterman, CWA Local 9119, unable to connect)


  • CWA Occupational Safety and Health Strategic Industry Funds-

    David LeGrande and call participants discussed the status of funding from CWA’s Heat Stress Strategic Industry Fund (SIF) during July, 2012- July, 2013. Following the exhaustion of current SIF funds (by the end of June), funds will be available to continue reimbursing members for their participation in heat stress and safety and health NIEHS grant training.


  • Grant Training Sessions and New Topics-

    David LeGrande noted two new topics will be added to the grant safety and health training. The first will focus upon the inclusion of CWA’s 99% training. Using the publication “xxxx,” trainers will be asked to discuss and point the importance of involvement in 99% training activities. Participants joined in asking several questions regarding the implementation of this activity. David mentioned he would develop a number of talking points for trainers and questions for training participants. In turn, these materials would be sent to trainers to gain their input.


  • Training Success Stories-

    During 2011- mid-2012, the first year in which Heat Stress SIF funding was made available, nearly 500 local leaders and members have participated in grant training sessions. This admirable work is leading the way in efforts to reach out and involve members in workplace safety and health.  In addition, to the hard work of CWA grant trainers, the use of heat stress SIF funds have produced very successful results increasing member awareness and knowledge; preventing member injuries, illnesses, and fatalities; and producing several successful changes in company behavior and practices.

    Randy Rodriguez discussed an important effort to change the way AT&T implements/adheres to company heat stress policies in the Houston and South Texas area, and, in the future, throughout District 6. Following CWA/USW heat stress training sessions conducted during 2011; the hospitalization of a Local 6222 member due to heat stress, related union action to publicize this issue, and  work conducted with federal OSHA officials to inform members of heat stress issues and their legal rights under the OSHAct, Randy raised the heat stress issue during conversations with local activists at District 6 and local union meetings as well as during quarterly District Occupational Safety and Health Conference calls. His plan was to get the word out and recruit for the CWA/USW heat stress training program. These efforts have resulted in recent requests from local throughout Texas, Oklahoma, and Kansas to conduct heat stress training sessions. The initial sessions will be conducted among three Texas locals (Locals 6201, Ft. Worth; Local 6132, Austin; and Local 6143, San Antonio) during the latter part of June. During the new funding cycle (July, 2012- June, 2013) additional sessions are planned.

    It is anticipated these efforts and follow-up activities will place considerable pressure upon AT&T to place more emphasis upon member heat stress safety and health concerns.