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CWA OSH NIEHS Grant Trainers Conference Call - December 2012

CWA Occupational Safety and Health NIEHS Grant Trainers Conference Call Tuesday, December 18, 2013 from 12:00- 2:00 p.m.

  • Participants-
    Debra Fisher, IUE-CWA Local 84755
    Joe Alvarez, CWA Local 4900
    Randy Rodriguez, CWA Local 6222
    Mike Nord, CWA Local 7804
    Joan Lichterman, UPTE-CWA Local 9119
    Robert Harris, CWA Local 9588
    Mike Rossi, CWA Local 13000
    Joan Lichterman, CWA Local 9119
    Bill Evitt, CWA Representative- District 2-13
    Alex Minishak, CWA Representative,-District 2-13
    Rodrigo Toscano, Training Coordinator, USW/CWA/TMC
    David LeGrande, Occupational Safety and Health Director
    (Ted Comick, IUE-CWA Local 81201; Alan Johnson, CWA Local 2204; Billy O’Dell, CWA Local 3215; Bob Schwager, CWA Local 9417 had schedule conflicts and could not join the call).

  • CWA/USW Grant Training Program-

    David LeGrande shared a review of 2011 and 2012 grant training classes which he prepared for the CWA Executive Board’s Occupational Safety and Health Committee. This report, presented at the November Executive Board meeting, highlighted the excellent work of our grant trainers. For example, during 2011 twenty-eight grant sponsored training sessions and conferences involving 959 local union OSH activists were conducted. This work carried over into 2012 resulting in the conducting of twenty- one grant-sponsored training sessions involving 524 local union OSH activists. Amazingly, this was accomplished by our 14 OSH trainers (At present, we have 13 OSH grant trainers- Debbie Beeler, IUE-CWA has been reassigned to different responsibilities).

    In addition, since June, OSH training sessions have been expanded to include a one-hour session on CWA Legislative and Political Action Training Program (LPAT). The LPAT addition will continue throughout 2013. During 2013, the Union plans to recruit three- five additional OSH trainers. Along with existing trainers, this will allow us to train/involve significantly more local union OSH activists in the OSH training.

    Many participants joined in this conversation noting satisfaction with their work, their ability to involve local union leaders and activists as well as CWA Staff in the training sessions, use OSH as a union building tool, and improve their learning skills. Everyone welcomed the opportunity to conduct more training sessions during 2013.


  • A Discussion of the Training and Evaluation Process-

    David LeGrande opened this discussion with impressions about the importance of the evaluation process relative to the entire grant training program. Highlighting the need to involve local union training participants/members in the initial and follow-up evaluation process, i.e., taking what they have learned during the OSH training and putting it into practice after returning to their regular work, is key to using OSH as a tool to improving working conditions; ensuring employers’ are in compliance with existing safety ad health policies, regulations, and guidelines; and helping to build and strengthen the Union.

    Further discussion identified difficulties in including all participants in the evaluation process. Thus, it was agreed each trainer would identify a core group of approximately 5 leaders in each training session and have them participate in the evaluation process. This method would make training evaluation efforts more manageable and meaningful in demonstrating real changes in worker-union behavior as well as OSH successes. In turn, these successes would be communicated throughout a given district and/or bargaining unit, hopefully producing continued and expanded success. Trainers agreed to work on having more evaluations completed and sending this information to the Occupational Safety and Health Department during the next four- six weeks.

  • 2013 Training Sessions and Conferences-

    David LeGrande indicated trainers have a green-light to expand the number of training sessions during 2013. In some cases, training will include the existing variety of training topics. However, as a result of CWA’s involvement with developing and participating in Union Approach training, CWA and IUE-CWA trainers will be able to conduct this important training. (During 2012, Debra Fisher, Ted Comick, Randy Rodriguez, Mike Nord, and Robert Harris participated in Union Approach Training). Several participants commented on their involvement in Union Approach training and welcomed the opportunity to conduct this training during 2013. David noted during 2013 additional CWA OSH grant trainers will be asked to participate in Union Approach training. Given the number of trainers and potential scheduling conflicts/overlapping training dates, Rodrigo and David mentioned the need for close coordination by all trainers with both of them.

    David LeGrande asked trainers to place the dates (September 25-27, 2013) for the CWA/USW Health, Safety, and Environment Conference on their calendars. Further details regarding the conference and trainer participation will be provided during the coming weeks.


  • ChemHat-

    David LeGrande opened this discussion noting the potentially widespread application/use of ChemHAT with our members who work with and are exposed to chemical and hazardous substances as well as exposures involving family members in the home. ChemHat is the product of CWA, IUE-CWA and USW work with the Blue-Green Alliance to de-mystify safety and health issues involving chemical and hazardous substances.

    During 2013, in concert with the Blue-Green Alliance, David mentioned CWA and the USW will expand the manner in which ChemHat is used within and by the two unions. These efforts will include use of ChemHAT within OSH grant training and related activities.

    Debra Fisher and Robert Harris noted use of and member acceptance of ChemHAT as a training tool within the both the IUE-CWA and CWA District 9.

    All participants exchanged holiday greetings and gave a hands-up to 2013.