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CWA Members Hold Unfair Labor Practice Strikes in D9, D1


CWA Local 9410 members join ULP strike in San Francisco.


CWAers from Local 9415 in Oakland protest outside AT&T building on Webster Street.


Members of CWA Local 1298 join unfair labor practice strike.

Across California and Nevada, CWA members at AT&T West were off the job for two days this week in an unfair labor practice strike.

So far, the National Labor Relations Board has issued a complaint against AT&T West in response to two unfair labor practice charges filed, and is reviewing several other charges.

"Contract negotiations are never easy, but when AT&T violates the law, the process really can't work," said CWA District 9 Vice President Jim Weitkamp. CWA represents about 18,000 AT&T West workers.

About 3,200 members of CWA Local 1298 in Connecticut who work at AT&T East also engaged in a two-day unfair labor practice strike.