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CWA: Lucent Needs Longterm Jobs Strategy

Following are remarks by Jim Irvine, vice president of the Communications Workers of America for members at Lucent Technologies and AT&T. Irvine made these remarks at the start of a leadership meeting of AT&T and Lucent union officers.

CWA members who work at Lucent Technologies weren't surprised by the company's announced drop in quarterly earnings-or the accompanying decline in stock value.

That's because we've been talking with Lucent for months about its downsizing of employees who install these sophisticated systems and equipment, and how the absence of a long term employment strategy will harm the business.

At a time when the telecommunications sector is exceptionally strong and demand for Lucent's products and expertise should be at its peak, Lucent is weakening its own position by eliminating the jobs of the very people who give Lucent its competitive edge. Lucent produces the finest telecommunications equipment in the world. But it needs to maintain its quality workforce-not cut it-so that business customers can continue to receive the service they expect and deserve.

CWA's goal is to make certain the outcome of this quarter is not repeated. Our members at Lucent want to keep on doing what they do best, and that is providing world-class products and service to our world class customers. Lucent should see it this way too.


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