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Every Verizon Job, A Union Job!

August Action Heroes

Starting last week, as our bargaining teams continued to negotiate with the company around the clock at the offices of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, Verizon workers and our supporters across the country mobilized like never before to demand that the company come to the negotiating table to bargain fair contracts and good union jobs. We launched practice picketing in Districts 1 and 2-13 on August 2, and worksite actions have continued every day since then as workers build solidarity and prepare for a strike if federal mediation efforts fail.

Members of CWA Local 1395 in Littleton, MA, practice picketing on August 2.
Workers in Westchester, NY, practice picketing on August 3.

At a rally in New York City on August 3, workers make their voices heard loud and clear:

We just want the contract we earned, that's all.
We're going to work hard to get the contract we deserve—all of us together. Mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers. We are CWA.
They're trying to tear down the middle-class way of life.
We're all here to fight for a good contract, a fair contract. To respect our retirees and respect every member who has walked on a picket line.
Syracuse, NY workers mark the anniversary of the end of their contract on August 6.

From Virginia to Texas, Verizon call center workers brought black balloons to their workspaces on Monday, August 6, to mourn the lack of a fair contract and bring attention to the harsh discipline many workers have experienced during the past year.

In District 6 at FSC, black balloons float over every cubicle.

Jobs with Justice activists helped the cause on Tuesday, August 7, by delivering thousands of postcards to Verizon board member Joseph Neubauer demanding that he step up and help remove the roadblocks the company has put in the way of fairness.

Justin Harrison, a splicing technician for Verizon in Philadelphia and Unit 1 President of CWA Local 13000 explained:

Mr. Neubauer and all the members of the board share responsibility for the way Verizon treats its workers. We've been fighting for a fair contract that protects good jobs at Verizon for more than a year now. It's time that people like Neubauer stand up and take responsibility. My co-workers and I are going to be standing up to Verizon and those who support its job-killing policies today and every day until we win a fair deal.

Wednesday saw workers taking their message to customers by leafleting at Verizon Wireless stores, and explaining the company's efforts to cut wages and benefits for employees, while raising executives' pay.

CWA Local 1103 out in force on Wireless Wednesday.
Local 1117 takes the message to customers on Wireless Wednesday.
On the West Coast, CWA Local 9423 workers leaflet a San Jose Verizon Wireless store.

In a major show of solidarity, on Thursday and Friday CWA and IBEW members were joined by allies, friends, and family from across the country who wanted to show their support and rally against Verizon's corporate greed.

In Silver Spring, MD, CWA employees line up to demand an end to the way Verizon has turned its back on customers and employees.
In Georgia, Jobs with Justice supporters protest Verizon's exporting of American jobs.
Buffalo workers take a stand for the 99 percent.
Workers and allies in Albany blow the whistle on corporate greed.
Local 2336 says that for Verizon execs, $231 million is just not enough—they want to kill the Middle Class too!
CWAW Local 9575 hosts a gathering of 50 supporters of Verizon workers at a call center in Oxnard, CA. President Lisa Shafer (center) rallies the crowd.
And in Los Angeles, supporters from the CLEAN Carwash Campaign and the Restaurant Opportunities Center (ROC) rallied with CWA members to protest Verizon board of directors member Clarence Otis at one of his restaurants, The Capital Grille. They put Otis on notice: “Nothing tastes as good as justice!”