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CWA Human Rights Department Urges Support of the May Day "We Are One" Message on May 1st

America was built in significant part with the hands of immigrant workers, workers with a dream. Regardless of country of origin, men and women from around the world have committed themselves to the cause of equality and freedom while working to build strong communities.

On May 1, 2011, unions, civil rights groups and thousand of workers will join forces to celebrate that commitment to this nation while advancing the message of solidarity launched across the country on April 4, 2011. “Our human rights mission statement is clear”, says Annie Hill, CWA’s Executive Vice President. “ To build a union where members of all cultures, religions, sexual orientations, gender, disabilities, ages and nationalities feel welcomed, respected and heard; and where the leadership reflects the diversity of our membership.”

The CWA Human Rights Department which includes the National Committee on Civil Rights and Equity, the National Women’s Committee, and the CWA National Human Rights Diversity Committee coordinated by CWA Executive Vice President Annie Hill urges CWA Civil and Human Rights activists to get involved and support May Day Activities in your communities.

"We want to build on the relationships that made the April 4 'We Are One' rallies such a huge success across this country," CWA President Larry Cohen said. "All of us — workers, immigrants, students, retirees, people in need — are under assault. Individually, we can do very little. Together, we have the strength to fight back and win."

CWA supports the work of all those who promote human rights with dignity. For more information about activities near you, go to CWA's event website, Be sure to send in your stories.