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CWA: Frontier Should Put Resources into Customer Services, Not Executive Salaries

CWA at Frontier

CWA members make some noise at Frontier Communications' annual shareholders meeting.

About 60 CWA activists from Frontier Communications were on hand for the company's shareholder meeting in Stamford, Conn., raising objections to the telecom's demands for big concessions and sacrifices from workers while top executive compensation is soaring.

Frontier CWA members traveled from West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York and Minnesota to rally and leaflet before attending the meeting.

In bargaining, Frontier is demanding cuts in health care for workers, but gave its executives substantial compensation increases over the last three years. CEO Maggie Wilderotter saw her compensation increase to $8.6 million last year; over the past three years, her compensation has gone up 39 percent.

"Frontier is asking workers to take cuts and make concessions, meanwhile it's dishing out tens of millions in compensation to top executives," said CWA District 2-13 Vice President Ed Mooney. "When executive compensation comes at the price of consumers and workers' well-being, we refuse to be silent. That's why we're here today."

"Frontier's priorities should be updating its infrastructure, improving customer service and ensuring fair treatment and job security for workers," said Ralph Maly, CWA Vice President for Telecommunications and Technologies. "We're part of the 99 percent and we're sick and tired of the 1 percent that rewards itself while so many Americans are suffering."