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CWA District 9 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call


Bill Harvey, Secretary-Treasurer, Frank Koval, and Frank Manibusan, CWA Local 9415
Sean McCabe, CWA Local 9416
Sean Givens, Vice President, CWA Local 9423
Rick Delao, President, CWA Local 9431
Walter Brugman, CWA Local 9505
Mike Heyenga, CWA Local 9509
Robert Harris, CWA Local 9588
Ellen West, Administrative Director
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational and Health Director


Participant Reports/New Issues-

  • Rick Delao, CWA Local 9431, summarized the outcome of the recent Cal-OSHA meeting on expanding the Agency’s Heat Stress Standard. Of importance, 50% of the participants were from several labor unions (including CWA, IBEW, UFW, and building trades unions), and WORKSAFE. Of no surprise, the most vocal employer representative was the Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber expressed its opinion that the regulation should be an agricultural industry standard, thus excluding coverage of telecommunications, electrical utility, and building trades workers. Needless to say, represented unions advocated the standard’s continued coverage of all California workers who are exposed to heat stress. Rick indicated he was impressed with the manner in which Cal-OSHA representatives dealt with employer representatives in working to expand the standard’s coverage.
  • David LeGrande mentioned the Safety and Health Department would be initiating a heat stress campaign during January 2010 which will advocate collective bargaining coverage for CWA technicians as well as a federal OSHA standard.
  • CWA/University of California, Irvine and Center for Social Epidemiology Workplace Ergonomics and Job Stress Study-
    Ellen West
    discussed the findings from this most important investigation, the first to target these technician issues. For example, high rates of physical and mental health problems, i.e., repetitive motion musculoskeletal and job stress-related problems potentially-related to workplace monitoring, mandatory overtime, and productivity standards. Of particular significance was the finding of high rates of hypertension, a precursor to cardiovascular disease. Next steps will include providing the study findings to CWA leaders and members. In addition, District 9 leadership will present the study results and ramification to Verizon representatives with the idea of improving member working conditions.
  • Review of the 2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-
    David LeGrande
    thanked District 9 OSH activists for their participation in the conference (43 OSH activists participated). Highlighting the role played by Rick Delao, CWA Local 9431, Randy Christensen, CWA Local 9415, as well as Cherie Brokaw, CWA Representative, and Local 9509 members, he discussed topics (including workplace ergonomics and stress, H1N1 Influenza/Pandemic Flu, workplace violence, and radio frequency radiation) covered in the various panel and workshop sessions. Also, David noted the active participation of representatives from the United Steelworkers Health, Safety, and Environment Department- the result of the working agreement between the two safety and health departments. During 2010, this relationship will result in increased training and education for CWA OSH activists. For additional information, he encouraged call participants to go to the Safety and Health Department website,, and click on the conference summary.
  • Employee Free Choice Act and Occupational Safety and Health-
    David LeGrande
    mentioned the Employee Free Choice Act has been held up due to the Obama Administration’s primary legislative issue, health care reform. CWA and the labor movement anticipate having an opportunity for the Employee Free Choice Act to be considered by Congress early in 2010.
  • Occupational/Environmental Health during the Obama Administration-
    David LeGrande
    mentioned the overwhelmingly positive steps the Obama Administration has taken to revitalize federal occupational and environmental safety and health agencies including OSHA, NIOSH, and EPA. Primary examples include the nomination and confirmation of Hilda Solis as Secretary of Labor and Lisa Jackson as EPA Administrator, the nomination and confirmation of Dr. David Michaels as the Assistant Secretary in charge of OSHA, and the appointment of Jordan Barab as Deputy Assistant Secretary of OSHA. In addition, he noted the nomination and confirmation of Dr. John Howard as NIOSH Director and Dr. Linda Birnbaum as Director of NIEHS. These steps will result in vast improvements in occupational and environmental safety and health as well as overall working conditions.
  • Workplace Violence Agreements between CWA Locals 9415, 9417, 9509 and AT&T-
    Bill Harvey, CWA Local 9423
    , reported on the recent announcement by AT&T indicting the Company will no longer abide the workplace violence agreement negotiated with Local 9415. This agreement provided protections for technicians when performing work in high-crime areas in the Oakland/San Francisco Bay Area. At present, agreements are still in place involving Local 9417, Local 9509, and AT&T.
  •  Date of the Next CWA District Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
    The next CWA District 9 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for  Wednesday, March 10, 2010 from 9:00-11:00 a.m. (PDT).