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CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call


Participant Introductions-
Bill Martin, President, CWA Local 4108
Peggy Griffith, Secretary, CWA Local 4302
Lusta Anderson and Paula Houvouras, CWA Local 4322
Joe Alvarez, CWA Local 4900
Bryon Capper, CWA Representative and
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

Participant Reports/New Issues-

In order that CWA District 4 and the Occupational Safety and Health Department have up-to-date e-mail addresses for Distrcit 4 OSH activists, Bryon Capper asked participants (and others who read this posting) to send him their e-mail address to Bryon at .

Peggy Griffith, CWA Local 4302, reported on a water contamination- lead and copper- case in a represented AT&T work location. After high levels of lead and copper were identified at the workplace, Peggy convinced the Company to conduct additional testing of the water supply as well as medical testing of the exposed workers. To date, the results of the water tests indicate lead and copper levels are within the safe range and the medical testing has not identified lead or copper in the bodies of the exposed workers. As of yet, the cause for the high lead and copper levels has not been identified. Peggy will provide further information when it becomes available.

Joe Alvarez, CWA Local 4900, mentioned the identification and resolution of a case in which a member contracted tuberculosis (TB). After a mis-diagnosis early in 2009, AT&T pressured the affected worker to return to work. In June the same worker was correctly diagnosed with TB. In turn, Joe learned of this case and called David LeGrande for assistance. David suggested discussing the seriousness of this incident with AT&T, the employer, calling the local/Indiana Public Health Department, as well as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. After receiving advice and direction, Joe passed on the information to represented workers and AT&T management. In turn, after the required TB medical tests were performed and test results indicated all involved workers/family and community members tested negative, the case was closed.

Both of the above cases are great examples of how resourceful, knowledgeable occupational safety and health activists, in this case Peggy Griffith and Joe Alvarez, "stepped up to the plate" and used their influence and knowledge to resolve potentially life-threatening situations.

Joe Alvarez discussed another case in which AT&T customer service representatives were needlessly exposed to chemicals contained in a floor sealant. After learning of the incident, Joe requested the material safety data sheet (MSDS) for the sealant. However, management at the work location indicated they did not have an MSDS. After further investigation, Joe obtained an MSDS, provided it to management, and discussed the situation with the exposed Local 4900 members. Fortunately, none of the workers was seriously affected- however, several developed health symptoms following the initial exposure.

Bill Martin, CWA Local 4108, inquired as to the status of the federal ergonomics standard/possibility of re-initiating actions to have the standard take effect. David LeGrande indicated re-initiating this process is being discussed by labor safety and health activists with members of the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, the Obama Administration (including OSHA officials), and public health activists. What CWA and the rest of the labor movement hoped would be an easy process has become anything but that. Due to legislative and political obstacles, re-initiating the same standard will be very difficult/impossible.

Thus, CWA and other involved organizations must begin initiating a number of actions including data collection, education with its members, and working with and placing pressure upon OSHA to take the necessary action (which the Agency has pledged to do). Although such efforts will require much work, CWA and other unions must take on this challenge. If we do not, more and more of our members will become victims of musculoskeletal disorders (due to inadequate/poor ergonomics) and the companies will continue to ignore the issue showing little or no concern for the health and well-being of the workforce-their employees. David said the OSH Department will continue to deeply involved in helping to develop activities and programs to resolve these concerns as well as involve CWA leaders and activists in these efforts.

Advances in Occupational Safety and Health during the Obama Administration-

David LeGrande led a discussion regarding the many advances already taken by the Obama Administration to help promote occupational and environmental safety and health. These include the nomination and confirmation of Hilda Solis as the Secretary of Labor, Lisa Jackson as the Administrator of EPA, and Jordan Barab as the Acting Assistant Secretary of Labor- OSHA (Upon the nomination and confirmation of the Assistant Secretary at OSHA, Jordan will become the Deputy Assistant Secretary). 

National/Regional Regulatory/Legislative Issues-

Participants indicated at the present time there was not any noteworthy occupational and environmental safety and health activity in any of the states within District 4. David LeGrande reported various pieces of legislation are held up in U.S. Congress due to other priority legislation. These include the Protecting America's Workers Act, the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Act of 2009, and legislation to ban the production of asbestos within the U.S.

Electrical Hazards Grounding Issues-

Citing the recent cases re. electrical grounding issues within Districts 1 and 2, David LeGrande asked participants if there were any grounding issues/worker near misses they knew of. Local and Staff activists mentioned there had not been any cases that have taken place in District 4. However, they noted they will inquire re. employer practices to require the companies ensure cases do not occur.

2009 CWA Occupational Safety and Health Conference-

David LeGrande reminded activists the conference will be conducted October 3-5, 2009 at the Holiday Inn On-the-Bay, San Diego, California. Many interesting topics and sessions will be featured. Also, President Larry Cohen, District 9 Vice President Jim Weitkamp, and IUE-CWA President Jim Clark will present remarks. Several participants indicted they were planning to participate and recruit other OSH activists to attend.

IUE-CWA Occupational Injury and Illness Investigation-

David LeGrande reported on the completed IUE-CWA Injury and Illness Investigation noting 23 locals representing 48 employers participated. The data indicated many IUE-CWA locals are successfully working with represented employers to provide members/employees with safe and healthful working conditions. A full copy of the report is available for reading on the OSH webpage,

CWA United Steel Workers/Tony Mazzocchi Center Joint Occupational Safety and Health Activities-

David LeGrande discussed the recent activities with the United Steel Workers, the Tony Mazzocchi Center, and CWA regarding working jointly to tackle mutual occupational and environmental safety and health issues. As agreed upon by the organizations, this work will consist of education and training, grant writing and related work, as well as regulatory and legislative efforts at the federal, state and municipal levels.    

Date of the Next CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call- 

The next CWA District 4 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call will be conducted on Wednesday, October 21, 2009 from 10:00 A.M.-12:00 P.M.