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CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call

CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call
Conducted Monday, June 7, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.

John Gentile, CWA Local 1103
Phil Tobin, CWA Local 1105
Mick Dellavalle, CWA Local 1113
Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168
Geena Cruz, IUE-CWA Local 81381
Henry Plimack, NABET/CWA Local 51016
Micki Siegel de Hernandez, Director, CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Program
David LeGrande, CWA Occupational Safety and Health Director

Participant Reports/New Issues-

Henry Plimack, NABET/CWA Local 51016, asked about the status of efforts re. H1N1. David LeGrande noted because H1N1 reported/diagnosed cases have substantially declined the level of activity has also declined. However, a related issue that CWA, other unions, and public health organizations are involved with is the proposed OSHA Infectious Disease Standard. CWA and other unions will be submitting comments during the first part of August in support of an OSHA standard. Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168 added promulgation of the OSHA Infectious Disease Standard will be invaluable in helping to prevent occupational exposures and cases.

Dana McCarthy, CWA Local 1168 provided an update re. the CWA-supported New York State Safe Patient Handling legislation and related activities. In particular, he discussed the successful outcome of a recent roundtable session hosted by WYNCOSH.

CWA Local 3212 Member Fatality-
David LeGrande provided an update re. the January, 2010 fatality of William Britt Hunt (a member of Local 3212, Rome, Georgia employed by AT&T). His death occurred while he was winding telecommunications cable on to a cable winch. During this operation, the cable wound around his feet dragging him into the winch. Unfortunately, AT&T had assigned Britt to perform this two-person job alone. At present, CWA is awaiting the final inspection report from federal OSHA. Upon its completion, David indicated it would be made available to CWA leaders, members, and OSH activists.

CWA Local 4100 member Fatality-
In April, 2010, Kevin James (a member of CWA Local 4100, Detroit, Michigan employed by AT&T), was killed while performing aerial telecommunications cable repair work on a telephone pole when an overhead electrical line fell on him causing his death. Greg Wynn, President, Local 4100, has been working with other CWA Locals, CWA Staff, Michigan OSHA, and AT&T to ensure this case is handled properly and thoroughly. David indicated he is working with Gregg Wynn, CWA Staff Representative Bryon Capper and others to ensure this tragic case receives the necessary action and resolution from AT&T- in memory of Kevin James.

For additional information re. Kevin’s and other workplace fatalities, Henry Plimack, NABET/CWA Local 51016, suggested going to the Wrongful Death Blog written by Michael Grossman.

CWA Heat Stress Campaign-
David LeGrande reported on the status of the Union’s Heat Stress Campaign. The Heat Stress fact sheet and survey are completed and ready to go on-line. After CWA Executive Board members are provided/have approved these materials, they will be sent to CWA Staff, Local Presidents, leaders, and members. In the coming weeks, the campaign will be announced along with the distribution of campaign materials.

World Trade Center Legislation-
Last month, the James Zadroga Medical Monitoring and Treatment Act was passed by the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee (33 yeas, 12 nays). This legislation will provide funding for medial monitoring and treatment for workers involved in clean-up, recovery, and re-building work associated with this tragedy. In addition, community members exposed to the harmful toxins produced by the destruction of the World Trade Center are eligible to participate. It is anticipated the legislation will be introduced and voted upon and passed by the full U. S. House of Representatives this summer. Although less certain, similar action is expected in the U.S. Senate. In coalition with the AFL-CIO, other unions, COSH groups, and public health organizations, CWA will continue its efforts to work for passage of this legislation.

The Employee Free Choice Act-
David LeGrande indicated activities related to the Employee Free Choice Act have been put on hold. This action is the result of the recent Republican Senatorial victory in Massachusetts.

Protecting America’s Workers Act-
David LeGrande mentioned the Act, is expected to receive consideration by legislators during this Congressional session. CWA, other unions, the AFL-CIO, COSH and public health organizations are working collaboratively to have the legislation passed. As the bill begins to receive additional Congressional attention, more information will be provided.

Regional/State Legislative/Regulatory Issues-
Except for the previously-mentioned safe patient handling legislation in New York State, participants indicated there were not any workplace safety and health legislative/regulatory actions/activities taking place in their respective states/municipalities.

In addition to the already-noted items, David LeGrande discussed several of the activities being conducted by federal OSHA, NIOSH, and EPA noting the excellent work and successful outcomes of these efforts.

Good Jobs/Green Jobs Conference-
David LeGrande discussed the success and importance of the recently-held Good Jobs-Green Jobs Conference conducted during early April, 2010 in Washington, D.C. He noted the role of CWA (including a major address presented by President Larry Cohen), the IUE-CWA, and other unions and environmental organizations in making for a successful conference. David emphasized the importance of post-conference follow-up activities. In that regard, he noted the excellent work led by the Blue-Green Alliance (to which CWA is a leading member). The Alliance has been working successfully on key pieces of federal policy and legislation focused upon climate change, clean energy, chemical security, jobs, and the Protecting America’s Workers Act.

CWA/USW Occupational and Environmental Health and Safety Alliance-
David LeGrande provided an update on CWA’s work with the USW focused upon advancing the occupational and environmental safety and health concerns and needs of CWA/USW leaders and members. At the present time, we are waiting to receive an award announcement from the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences re. the recent mutually-developed and submitted CWA/USW grant proposal. Funds from this grant will allow CWA to significantly expand our safety and health education, training, and related efforts. Upon receipt of the Agency’s decision, David indicated he would ensure CWA officers, staff, as well as local leaders and safety and health activists are notified.

Date of the Next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call-
The next CWA District 1 Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call is scheduled for Monday, September 13, 2010 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m.