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CWA Calls for Halt to Vieques Bombing

The Communications Workers of America issued the following statement urging the Bush administration to stop naval bombing exercises on the island of Vieques and to remove the Navy's training facility.

The Communications Workers of America joins with the government and people of Puerto Rico in demanding an end to the Navy's renewed bombing exercises that threaten the health and safety of the 9,000 people of Vieques as well as the destruction of the national environment on the island.

Using this island as target practice for the U.S. Navy and military forces of other countries over the past 60 years has caused civilians to be killed and injured and has created other health hazards for residents of Vieques, including a very high incidence of cancer and cardiac problems.

Damage to the environment also has placed plant and animal species there on the endangered list and has threatened the fishing industry, one of the most important sources of income for the island's population.

Despite recent discussions with the government of Puerto Rico over these concerns, the U.S. military's decision to renew its bombing on Vieques shows incredible arrogance and callousness.

The public outcry and demonstrations we have seen the past several days are evidence that the people of Vieques and Puerto Rico have had enough, and that they are joined by religious, community and labor groups throughout the United States in elevating this as a serious human rights issue.

CWA represents more than 1,500 Puerto Rican members in broadcasting, print journalism -- members of UPAGRA -- and telecommunications. Overall, CWA represents some 740,000 workers in communications, media, manufacturing, airline passenger service and other fields.


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