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CWA Blasts US WEST for 'Scare Tactics' and Misinformation-- Strikers are Assured that Family Health

The President of the Communications Workers of America blasted US WEST for using "scare tactics" and intentionally misleading its employees in an announcement on continuation of health care coverage.

"We are assuring our members that all strikers' families will have needed health services with no expense to them. The union will stand behind them all the way," said CWA President Morton Bahr.

"We have been through this before. Even in the 1989 strike at NYNEX that lasted for 17 weeks, not a single striker or family member lacked for medical attention or paid one penny out of pocket for health care during that dispute," he said, noting that strikers have the support of a substantial CWA Members' Relief Fund.

CWA will be providing members detailed information clarifying their rights to continuing health coverage as guaranteed by federal law, and giving them instructions for the union's program to see that all necessary medical services are provided at no expense to the member.

Bahr said that CWA lawyers are considering filing charges against US WEST for issuing a press release and posting on its web site a misleading threat that stated: "Employees represented by the CWA, who have chosen to strike, face expiration of their health coverage August 31 unless an agreement is reached or they return to work."

In fact, federal law gives strikers 60 days health coverage protection after an employer announces it will terminate coverage - in this case, 60 days following August 31.

CWA vice president Sue Pisha, head of the union's District 7 office, called the company's action "part of a continuing campaign of misinformation and distortion that US WEST has pursued with the news media and its employees throughout these negotiations."


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