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CWA: Bill Moves Immigration Debate Forward

Washington, D.C. – Following is a statement by the Communications Workers of America on the immigration reform bill introduced in the U.S. Senate.

“The bill introduced by the “Gang of Eight” U.S. Senators is a first step toward much needed reform of our broken immigration system.

Immigration reform must be fair and should reflect our shared values of opportunity, voice and justice for all, and must ensure that workers in every industry are protected from employer exploitation.

CWA has many questions about this proposal, and we’ll continue to analyze the bill. We do have some initial concerns and we will work with our allies to help bring about improvements to the bill.

CWA, along with other unions, faith and community leaders, civil rights activists, immigrant organizations and others, looks forward to working with the Senate and President Obama to bring about comprehensive reform.”

Contact: Candice Johnson or Kendra Marr Chaikind, CWA Communications, 202-434-1168, and