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CWA/ATT Mobility OSH Conference Call - December 2012

CWA/AT&T Mobility Occupational Safety and Health Conference Call December 11, 2012, 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m. (EST)


AT&T Mobility
Paul Boris, Chair
Lina Lunkar
Scott Williamson
Don Harris
David LeGrande, Chair
Holly Sorey
Joe Sison
Robert Gaudino



Workers’ Compensation Cases-
Lina Lunkar provided a detailed review of employee workers’ compensation cases breaking the data down by incidence/type of case. Several questions were asked regarding the specific types of cases and their recordability. As a result of this discussion, Lena agreed to check to see if the workers’ compensation data bases included all OSHA-reported/recorded cases and provide this information to committee members.

Injuries and Illnesses-
Don Harris discussed provided injury/illness data noting musculoskeletal disorder (MSD) cases involving call center workers continue to be the most numerous- However, MSDs have been occurring at a reduced rate from previous years. Don mentioned the reduced rates may be the result of the continued annual ergonomics training provided to call center workers and replacement of malfunctioning equipment with new, well-designed equipment, i.e., chairs, workstations, etc. During this discussion, Holly Sorey raised concerns that replacement of equipment may be not be happening in all call centers. Specifically, she identified several examples of workers having to use malfunctioning equipment at call.

After further discussion, Don agreed to make a “surprise” visit to locations represented by Holly’s local union.

Retail Stores-
Scott Williamson discussed topics specific to workplace violence issues/cases noting Asset Protection handles the details of such matters. Scott said he would look into specific details regarding Asset Protection policies and provide this information to committee members.  

Holly Sorey and Robert Gaudino raised concerns regarding worker physical safety and emotional health issues related to workplace violence suggesting the need for increased intervention and implementation of company safety measures. Scott mentioned training is provided regularly and safety measures are introduced as needed. However, if specific cases are provided, he will look into the identified concerns.

Further discussion focused upon communication between the Company’s Human Resources and Environmental Health and Safety (EHS) Departments’ following retail store robberies.

Paul Boris indicated he would check to see the how/the method by which information is provided by Human Resources to the EHS Department and provide this information to committee members. Also, Paul mentioned the EHS Department plans to include on-time reporting of workplace incidence/cases.   

The discussion of workplace violence switched to outside plant issues including concerns regarding working in “red/no access zones” and the two-person/worker rule. Although not involving an AT&T Mobility employee, David LeGrande noted a September, 2012 case in which an AT&T technician was fatally assaulted while performing routine work in the Kansas City, Missouri area. Further discussion focused upon taking the necessary steps to ensure AT&T Mobility technicians/CWA members are not put in harms way during their performance of their work.

David LeGrande presented information regarding the newly-developed ChemHAT material/production. Focused upon chemical substances/hazardous materials and alternative products, ChemHAT is an education and training program which demystifies and translates technical industrial hygiene information into easy-to-understand terms. This tool, developed jointly by the Blue-Green Alliance, CWA and the United Steelworkers, is being utilized to bring workers and up-to-speed with the recently-promulgated OSHA Global Harmonization Standard.

David asked if AT&T Mobility might be interested in working together with the Union in this effort. Paul said he would review the provided ChemHAT materials and get back with David.

Radio Frequency Radiation-
Don Harris indicated the Company continues to monitor concerns regarding Radio Frequency (RF) Radiation emissions and employee exposure from cellular (tower) equipment. To date, data has not identified harmful levels of exposure involving AT&T Mobility technicians. This may be the result of company-provided annual RF training which emphasizes technicians make sure they are an adequate, safe distance from the radiating equipment.

Concerns were raised regarding co-located transmission equipment and potential RF exposure. Don said this issue has not received attention, but indicated a willingness to look into this matter.

Robert Gaudino asked about the Company’s lock-out/tag-out policy to which Don said he would check and provide this information to committee members.

Topics for the Next Meeting-
Occupational Stress
Absenteeism Data
Injury/Illness Data