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CWA AT&T Mobility Locals in D6 Set Bargaining Goals

AT&T Mobility Leaders

At the AT&T Mobility local leadership conference, D6 staff join VP Claude Cummings, center, and CWA-TU members Blake Poindexter and Jamone Ross, 4th and 5th from left.


CWA AT&T Mobility local leaders from across the Southwest met in Dallas Nov. 7-8 to discuss and vote on bargaining goals and priorities. The contract covering 9,400 Mobility workers in District 6 expires Feb. 24.

CWA District 6 Vice President Claude Cummings joined participants in discussing ways to build membership mobilization and support for organizing, and pledged support for T-Mobile workers trying to get their union.

Also at the meeting were two CWA-TU organizing committee members, technical care specialists from T-Mobile in Frisco, Texas. Jamone Ross and Blake Poindexter talked about problems at their call center, including unattainable and constantly changing metrics, mass terminations and the lack of respect for workers on the job.

Ross and Poindexter got a firsthand look at CWA democracy in action, as Mobility members set bargaining goals, planned mobilization and moved forward on bargaining.

CWA will hold a Mobility leadership training session in December in Detroit; CWA President Larry Cohen and UAW President Bob King will be on hand.