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CWA and NAACP Fight Voter Suppression

District 6 Vice President Claude Cummings and NAACP Texas President Gary Bledsoe are urging Texans to speak out about attacks on voting rights at the polls.

Confronting the most aggressive attempt to roll back ballot access in more than a century, Cummings and Bledsoe taped a radio ad, which will run next week on minority stations, telling voters to be vigilant and know their constitutional right.

"Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and others died for their efforts to ensure that Americans of all colors have the right to vote," says Cummings in the radio spot. "It is time to exercise that right. In many states, new restrictions on our right to vote are being enacted. But for now Texas is not one of them. For the May 29th primary the voting rules remain the same. All you need to vote is a voter registration card."