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CWA-COPE Builds Toward Goal of ''$2 Million by 2000''

CWA's annual political fundraising took another leap toward "$2 Million by 2000," Secretary-Treasurer Barbara Easterling reported to the convention, with conviction that, "Our goal is in reach."

Locals in 1998 contributed a total of $1,599,187 to the union's political education fund, $24,140 more than in 1997, when the benchmark was established, Easterling said.

She urged the delegates to make use of materials available from CWA headquarters and to continue to talk to co-workers, one on one, to convince them of the urgency of the CWA-COPE program.

"We must elect Al Gore President of the United States so that working families all over this great country of ours will continue to benefit from the economic and social policies that have been so good to them under the leadership of President Bill Clinton, she said."

Easterling acknowledged 564 CWA locals and a record 45 retired members' clubs that achieved 100 percent of their CWA-COPE quotas.

Nearly all CWA districts exceeded their quotas, she said, congratulating District 4, with 149.4 percent, as the one district that exceeded its 1997 record.

She urged members not already enrolled to join one of the union's three most successful fundraising programs. All are available on payroll deduction, or "COPE-PCC Checkoff." The membership of CWA-COPE Quorum, contributing $120 a year, currently numbers 2,800; Platinum Quorum, $240 a year, 1,270; and Triple Quorum, $360 a year, 842.

Easterling presented awards for 1998 CWA-COPE fundraising to:

  • District 3 and CWA Vice President Jimmy Smith: CWA-COPE''s District Sweepstakes Award for highest percentage of quota, 249.5 percent, and Quorum Award for highest number of Quorum members, 803. n District 6 and CWA Vice President Ben Turn Jr.: Special Achievement Awards for highest percentage of membership participation in CWA-COPE PCC Checkoff, 12.6 percent, and for most CWA-COPE dollars raised, $393,686; Platinum Quorum Award for most PQ members, 337; and Triple Quorum Award for most TQ members, 286.

  • Local 1101 and President Ed Dempsey: Checkoff Achievement Award for highest number of members in CWA-COPE PCC Checkoff, 2,596.

  • Local 1301 and President George Alcott: Special Local Awards for most CWA-COPE dollars, $56,129, and highest percentage of quota, 8,853 percent; and Distinguished President's Awards for highest percentage of voluntary, or "free," dollars, 8,853 percent, and most voluntary dollars, $56,129; and Triple Quorum Award for most TQ members, 101. Accepting for Alcott was Local 1301 Vice President Brian Hardy.

  • Local 3204 and President M.M. Smith: Quorum Achievement Award for most members in CWA-COPE Quorum, 64.

  • Local 6222 and President B.J. Etzel: Platinum Quorum Award for most PQ members, 57.

  • Local 7072 and President Estella Madrid: Checkoff Achievement Award for highest percentage of membership in CWA-COPE PCC Checkoff, 100 percent.

  • State awards for 100 percent participation by locals went to Arizona, Louisiana, New Mexico, South Carolina and South Dakota.

    In February 1997, when they adopted "$2 Million by 2000," the CWA Executive Board and non-represented staff pledged one-half of 1 percent of their salaries to CWA-COPE. To honor their generosity, 400 Plus and 500 Plus Clubs were created, reflecting the number of dollars contributed. In 1998, those clubs were opened to rank-and-file members. Easterling reported that the 400 Plus Club currently has 45 members and the 500 Plus Club, 26. Members will receive pins in the mail.