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Council of Institutional Investors Elects CWA's Boarman as Co-Chair
Bill Boarman, a vice president of the Communications Workers of America and head of the union's Printing Sector, has been elected as co-chair of the Council of Institutional Investors (CII). CII's executive committee has three co-chairs-one each from constituent groups representing labor, corporate funds and public funds, along with 12 other members.
Also elected as labor representatives on the Council's executive board were Steve Albrecht of the Service Employees, Sarah Palmer Amos of the United Food and Commercial Workers and Ed Durkin of the Carpenters.
Gary Findlay, director of the Missouri State Employee Retirement System, was elected chair of the executive committee. Other co-chairs elected were Peter Gilbert of the Pennsylvania State Employee Retirement System and Margaret Foran, of the Pfizer Retirement Annuity Plan.
Founded in 1985, CII has more than 130 pension fund members-including jointly administered Taft Hartley funds, corporate funds and public employee funds. Total assets of CII-affiliated funds exceed $2 trillion. The Council is recognized as the pre-eminent voice for institutional shareholder interests and sound corporate governance. Its objectives are to encourage member funds, as major corporate shareholders, to take an active role in protecting plan assets and monitoring decisions of corporations in which its member funds are invested. CII also took an active role in the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill last year in the wake of the Enron and Worldcom corporate scandals.
CII has pioneered in the field of corporate shareholder activism, spearheading corporate governance initiatives and maintaining communications with publicly-held corporations to evaluate compliance with shareholder initiatives.
Boarman has served as chair of CWA's two primary pension funds for the past 15 years: the Negotiated Pension Plan in the U.S. and the Canadian Negotiated Pension Plan. He has 25 years' experience in pension fund administration, including ten years as a trustee on the Taft Hartley plans of the International Typographical Union before that union merged with CWA.
He was among the founders of the AFL-CIO's Capital Strategies program and its Capital Stewardship Committee.
Also elected as labor representatives on the Council's executive board were Steve Albrecht of the Service Employees, Sarah Palmer Amos of the United Food and Commercial Workers and Ed Durkin of the Carpenters.
Gary Findlay, director of the Missouri State Employee Retirement System, was elected chair of the executive committee. Other co-chairs elected were Peter Gilbert of the Pennsylvania State Employee Retirement System and Margaret Foran, of the Pfizer Retirement Annuity Plan.
Founded in 1985, CII has more than 130 pension fund members-including jointly administered Taft Hartley funds, corporate funds and public employee funds. Total assets of CII-affiliated funds exceed $2 trillion. The Council is recognized as the pre-eminent voice for institutional shareholder interests and sound corporate governance. Its objectives are to encourage member funds, as major corporate shareholders, to take an active role in protecting plan assets and monitoring decisions of corporations in which its member funds are invested. CII also took an active role in the passage of the Sarbanes-Oxley bill last year in the wake of the Enron and Worldcom corporate scandals.
CII has pioneered in the field of corporate shareholder activism, spearheading corporate governance initiatives and maintaining communications with publicly-held corporations to evaluate compliance with shareholder initiatives.
Boarman has served as chair of CWA's two primary pension funds for the past 15 years: the Negotiated Pension Plan in the U.S. and the Canadian Negotiated Pension Plan. He has 25 years' experience in pension fund administration, including ten years as a trustee on the Taft Hartley plans of the International Typographical Union before that union merged with CWA.
He was among the founders of the AFL-CIO's Capital Strategies program and its Capital Stewardship Committee.