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Contract Talks Underway at US Airways; Agents at American, United Look to CWA

The first round of bargaining between CWA and US Airways got underway Dec. 9 and 10 at the company’s headquarters in Arlington, Va.

CWA President Bahr opened the session, joining bargaining team members Jeff Dewar, Charlotte; Josie Esposito, San Diego reservations; Chris Fox, Pittsburgh reservations; Tim Yost, Pittsburgh; and Rick Braswell, CWA staff.

CWA’s bargaining team presented proposals on the four major job issues for the airline’s 10,000 passenger service professionals — as identified by an employee survey and the bargaining council — as well as on other areas of concern to US Airways employees. Key bargaining areas include the “paid days off” system, job security, salary and cost-of-living concerns, and retirement security. Among other issues are scheduling, monitoring, the uniform policy and mandatory overtime.

Management will present its proposals and respond to the CWA agenda at the January bargaining sessions, with additional meetings already scheduled for February.

Meanwhile, passenger service professionals at other airlines — notably American and United—are learning what a CWA voice can do for them. CWA members and organizers have been leafletting American and United operations at airports across the country, providing information on what CWA representation has meant for customer service employees in a number of industries, and at US Airways. Growing numbers of agents at both carriers are showing their support for CWA.

Employees at American Airlines discuss their concerns in “AAgent,” CWA’s newsletter for passenger service professionals at the airline. Job security, a new pay plan and an unfair grievance system are among employees’ concerns. A similar newsletter enables United professionals to talk about job issues and build support for their own voice at the airline.