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Cohen to ver.di: Together We Will Make a Difference

Larry Cohen at ver.di

CWA President Larry Cohen thanks 10,000 delegates to the ver.di convention in Germany for their "incredible support" for the T-Mobile workers' organizing efforts in the United States.

Speaking to 10,000 delegates at the ver.di convention in Liepzig, Germany, CWA President Larry Cohen thanked ver.di members for their support and determination to help T-Mobile USA workers gain a union voice.

"ver.di's work has been incredible," Cohen said, citing actions at the Deutsche Telekom annual meetings, visits from T-Mobile USA workers with their counterparts in Dusseldorf and other locations, actions by ver.di union members supporting TU, the global union for T-Mobile workers, and much more.

"These bonds sustain us and continue to be a source of support. Through these bonds we seek to build a global partnership to ensure the dignity of working people — in Germany, the United States and elsewhere," he said.

He thanked ver.di President Frank Bsirke and leaders Lothar Schröder, Ado Wilhelm and Kornelia Dubbel for making TU a model for the world.

Read the full speech here. While in Germany, Cohen also met with other labor leaders and government officials.